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One would think after 42 years on this earth, loosing my husband to disease at age 30, divorce at age 35, my son in a coma & on life support at age 39, and all the other tials that have been woven into this wonderful life, I would be practiced at the art of waiting. One would think. But oh,....not so. Many days I want to press the fast foward button. Where is it anyway? When my son was in a coma, people would say to me, "You seem so strong, you are handling this so well". Looking back, I think I know the difference between that and this. Waiting was my only option then. What else could I do? I couldn't say, "Oh, I give up. I'll just go home". There was no choice in the matter. Hey, there's a thought. Approach this quit with the same mentality. Then there will be no need for that dreaded elusive quality- patience. I hate that word anyway. It was drilled into my head as a kid and at times I find myself trying to drill it into my kid's heads. (Oh my God, I am turning into my mom) Anyway, I'm drifting. Patience, and the lack of need thereof. Mindset: I HAVE NO CHOICE IN THE MATTER. There.... no need for patience. THE DECISION HAS BEEN MADE. need for patience. THE END.