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Only Fake Smoked Once

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Day 3 and I have only fake smoked once!  Badically just deep breating but I like how quickly my urges are going away.  Even got lost in a bad neighborhood in Flint today and didnt even feel the need for a cig or freak out!  I put my hand in my pocket once today though and wondered where my cigs were!  Lol!  Well their place is no longer in my's in my past!  Now there is room for my hands in my pockets!!  I know this is really hard for a lot of you and I am so sorry but I KNOW you can do it!!  Want it and it WILL happen!!


PS...still havent' started hacking up the gunk...when will that happen?  My nose has been stuffed though with some bloody gunk...sorry if that's tmi but that's what's happening!!  Lol!


If you were like me I had cigarettes stashed everywhere so go through your house, car, clothes pockets, desk drawers, old purses, and make sure no cigarettes will ever be found.  If you feel like you are going to freak out just blog and someone will be along to help out soon. If you ever do find an old cigarette anywhere don’t even think about smoking it just quickly flush it down the toilet or crush it to pieces so it can never be put back together.  You can do this stay strong. Keep busy and drink lots of fluids to flush out your system. You’re doing great keep up the good work.


Day 3 is a great job///let's get Hell Week out of the can do this


You're doing a wonderful job of working through everything.  As far as coughing up junk, I think all of us are different.  I'm 5 months today but haven't coughed up anything.  In the past when I tried to quit and failed, I had a lot of frogs in my throat.  I don't know if this time is different because I'm constantly drinking water.  Maybe the hydration is thinning any mucous so my body can absorb it and flush it out.  

Your nose with bloody gunk might be a sign of a touch of sinus infection or low humidity in your house.  You might try a saline sinus rinse to see if that might help.

have a wonderful day.


Hi flomi, I didn't cough up anything eitther, Dale, I think, said that it comes out one way or another, so not to worry, your body will get rid of it. Congrats on day 3! Just keep taking those deep breaths and each one you take, be thankful you can take them!


Congrats on day 3.  That is HUGE!!!!  Remember not one puff ever (nope) and one minute, one hour, one day at a time.  Flint?  As in Michigan?  Born and raised there.


Legend...luckily no I have not stashed cigs!!  Never was a fan of a stale cig!  But that must have been very trying for you to have to resiste the urge every time you found another stash!!  Good for you for staying strong!!


Johio thank you!!  And yes let's get hell week over!!


No more cigs, I think you may have a good point on the hydration!  I drink tons and have never reallly had a big problem with mucus...i would get that frog in the throat though when it was time for another cig...called it my smoke alarm!  Lol!  I sure hope it isn't a sinus infection though cause I got one on Dec 29th and it lasted just over 2 weeks!  When it was just finishing up though I went to my bf's and the air in his apt always makes me stuffy...I think the ducts need cleaned...there are black marks on the wall where the air comes out...I always get stuffy and sometimes a sore throat there esp since the bed is right by one of the air vents!  I really hope though that this is just my body's way of gettin rid of the mucus and not another sinus infection!!  So not fun!!


Jojo you are so right...keyword THANKFUL!!!  We have all done something so amazing for our bodies!!


Jenny I love that!!  NOPE!!  That's the plan right?!  Yes Flint MI!!  I live in Saginaw and my mom was born and raised in Flint!  Small world!  Where do you live now?


I'm from Ann Arbor!  I live in DC now, but I grew up there myself and then raised my five children there.  Two of them still live there and I come to A2 all the time!  

And getting lost in a bad area of Flint would have, once upon a time, certainly driven me to smoke!  So GREAT job for not smoking.  Congratulations!


I live in Holly now.  Had to get out of Flint a couple years ago.  Yes, it is a small world. And you be carefull anywhere in Flint nowadays.  


Sky GIrl I think we were talking about that the other day!!  That is so cool!  And thanks!!  Lol!


Jenny we are not too far from each other then!!  Yes i agree...Flint has gotten very sad.


You are so adorable! I have never coughed up anything at 75 days but like you I have drunk LOTS of sound like you are doing GREAT...i smile when I read your posts! xo


Aw thanks Joy!!  Thanks for the thumbs up too!  Glad to know that coughing up ick is not a definite!!  And way to go on 75 days!!!  That is fantastic!!  I bet you feel like a new woman!!