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Share your quitting journey

One more week to go!!

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Wow, I am extremely excited for q-date which is November 30th! One week to go. I've decided not to buy any cigarettes. I know I have the strength to get through this and stay quit!!! I'm still doing my reading to prepare myself. I want this, I'm ready for this. The nicodemon will no longer control my life.

Good luck to everyone in the process of quitting or staying quit!

Stay Strong, Keep Going*


I'm excited that you are excited!  It really is a wonderful thing you'll be doing for yourself, your body and your mind.  Your postivie attitude will carry you a long way. Keep up the reading and come back here often to let us know how you are doing! I hope you enjoy a happy holiday.


Being exctited about the quit is great!! Be sure to keep hanging out here!


Yessss! You are so going to kill this addiction!


Aw thank you all for the wonderful support, it means a lot!!! Unfortunately I caved yesterday and bought a pack, but I will still try to stay 2 or under. This was one little slip because I pushed myself too much thinking I could go without for the week, but it wasn't realistic. I have to work my way down like I have been. 2 and under during the weekdays and then try for 1 on the weekend? That's what I was thinking of doing, what do you think?

Stay Strong, Keep Going*


That is Ok,.. just do not lose your resolve.  keep your quit date.  Quitting is not as bad as we think it is.  You can do it.  A lot of people here have done it, and we are willing to help..  To be honest , it would be more difficult for me if I were as young as you, but you have an opportunity to save yourself a lifetime of troubles by quitting now, and I for one am rootin' for ya!!  🙂  Have a great Thanksgiving, and stay close to this site.   George