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Share your quitting journey

One month away from my 1 year anniversary!!!

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It's so funny.  I think back on how hard it was when I first quit and how much my thoughts were filled with the idea of smoking, not smoking, withdrawal, lifestyle changes etc...  It seemed like once I decided to quit, I couldnt' think about anything else than smoking.  It was overwhelming.  I was consumed.

Now I am one month a way from reaching my 1 year anniversary and I can honestly say, I rarely ever think about smoking.  When I do, it's usually in a peripheral way like, ugh, the people next to me are smoking and it smells gross!  Or , I can't believe I've been smoke free for "x" months, Or I can't believe how much money I've saved and how much "x"  I've been able to afford since I quit smoking!

As the saying goes, "What you focus on grows."  I guess since I no longer smoke, I don't spend much time thinking about it.  There's no point since it's no longer a part of my life.  My focus has switched to other things.  And yet, when I quit, smoking was the only thing on my mind.

As hard as it was in the beginning, I'm so glad I made the commitment to myself to quit.  Now, nearly a year later, I don't even miss it and I can't even figure out why it took me so long to give up the habit.  🙂

I hope everyone else is doing well and your respective quits are going well.  Stay strong!  I've never been so proud to be a quitter in my whole life!! 🙂