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Share your quitting journey

One Year Smokefree TODAY!!! xo

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I don't need to write this blog as my BFF already posted a 'tribute' blog to me but I have been dreaming about writing that blog title above and by gosh I gotta do it!

I want this handy forever...You should have seen me cry like a little girl when I read it! Skygirl teases me mercilessly for being a sappy sentimentalist!!!

First of all I have NEVER had anyone write a tribute to me in my whole 56 years of life...THAT is an amazing thing in itself...I have had the privilege of flying cross country, sharing a hotel suite, shopping like crazy and laughing NON-STOP with this gal for 5 days...She knows all my deep dark secrets and still likes me!

Now this whole EX thing: The fact that I can sit at my kitchen table and make a difference in someone’s life still fills me with awe and gratitude...I am so honored to be a part of this community...

A year ago today I was climbing the walls, crying with fear and finishing up 'The Easy Way to Quit Smoking' by Alan Carr trying to justify smoking on my quit day because he says NOT to quit until finishing the book ...Doing furious jumping jacks, screaming and beating pillows, crying some more and sticking my head in the freezer taking deep breaths...

Today I am doing yoga and shedding joyful tears all happy and free. One minute, one day at a time.


Do the reading, stay close, make friends, don’t smoke no matter what and welcome to your new life! Xo

Me and Nancy on Lake Mead viewing the Hoover Dam at the first EX get together in Vegas last May: