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Share your quitting journey

One Year Later!!

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   This Sunday, March 17, 2013, marks my 1 year anniversary of being smoke-free. For those that don't know me or are new to the Ex Community, I had filled out a survey about smoking. LIttle did I know how my life was going to change from there. I had finished my survey and completed a profile here and this is where my story begins. 
        In the past, I quit many times. The longest was for a year  and  the times after that seem to get harder each time until all I could do was just a few hours and I was desperately craving a smoke and almost crawling the walls. It was just a few months prior this happened to me and I just wasn't sure when I came to the site if I was able to do it or let alone wanted to do it.  I was afraid I was going to fail yet again. The first person to greet me was Sheryl then Tommy. Everybody was very friendly and I was liking the site already .  Following day I logged in and started doing some reading and got a message from Tommy. Not sure of exact words but were on the lines of "Have you set a quit date yet" and I was thinking to myself " Do I really want to do this? I just love the taste of that cigarette. There is no way I cant stop this time". I kept getting messages and seeing them through my email and decided at that point, why not give it a try. I logged in faithfully each day and read, read and read some more. I was thirsting for more and more information. Each day, i kept building up the courage and just knew that i could do this. So I was able to finally respond back and set my quit date to St. Pattys Day. 
        First day I put on the patch and by noon, I got a call from mom that she had fallen and couldn't get up. Her sugar was low and she just didn't seem right. She kept telling me she was fine and she did look better. Following day, she fell again and this time my bro, sis and me took her to the hospital. Found out her kidneys were failing. By following day, she  took turn for worse and doctors told us she had pneumonia and had to be put on ventilator or she wouldn't  make it through the night. To hear all this news in the first few days of your quit was just unbelievable! I did mention to Tommy briefly what was going on and he left me a message, "if you feel something warm, it's me holding your hand." It was those few words that I was able in the next few weeks to stay quit.We had mom life flighted to Cleveland Clinic where they were able to give her right meds and not long after she was coming home after rehabilitation. She didn't even need a trake after being on ventilator that long.  If it wasn't for the prayers of everyone here, from our church, she wouldn't be alive today. It was trully a miracle that had unfolded in front of our eyes and the eyes of others.  Rick always left on my message board, "Shawn it only gets better and better" and I can tell you, yes it does!
       It doesn't matter what circumstance we go through, having just 1 cigarette or 1 puff, will NOT solve anything. As long as we prepare ourselves prior to our quit date, stay close to the site and blog when we are in trouble or just need someone to listen makes all the difference!! This can be and will be your forever quit! You have to believe it!!

Congrats on one year!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for sharing  that great story


❤️ your blog Shawn---gave me chills on reading the miracle of your mothers recovery. I was also happy to read that Tommy was holding your hand as he does for so many here when we most need it and the support you had from  Sheryl and others. ♥. You are one awesome quitter/supporter yoursef girl---Congratulations on 1 year Sunday!!!


Congrats Shawn!


I loved reading this. You are a true inspiration:) Congratulations, you deserve it!!!!


so so proud of inspire me on my final recovery blogged how excited you were to tell your doctor that you quit.............that will stick with me for a long long time...........i get to tell my doc on march 23 the same............thanks so much for all of your support.............thanks for all the time you have spent on me..............i have been waiting for your big day for  a few weeks...........jim


Thank you all so much!

Congrats on one year. And I'm glad that your mom is doing better.

Congratulations on your one year anniversary.  I'm happy for you that your life is so much better.  You are a great example to follow.


Take a deserve it, what an inspiration to all of us.  Thanks


Hey, Shawn,

Do you remember your readings?  You are in the ELITE 6% of people who quit smoking who are still quit at the end of a year



Well done!


Quit 7/4/12


congrats on one year . good job


Congrats on 1 year!!!  What an inspiration you are!


We were indeed all there for you! But you still had to honor your word! You made a commitment and stayed with it! Enjoy the spoils of your victory! You have won and will continue to win! Like Rick says: It just keeps getting better and better!

ConGrats as you approach the end of the first year of your New and Improved Smoke Free Life! Thank you for the "Collateral Kindness" that you return to the community! We are a better place because you are here!

Still holding that hand!                                Tommy


congratulations Shawn!!!  You brought tears to my eyes with this blog... thanks so much for sharing.


CONGRATS are one of those 'one in a million"> ♥ Love you!


Shawn  - Congrats to you! I hope you have some special things planned to celebrate!!


Going out for dinner on Sat with mom to Amish country and Sun, cooking some corned beef and riding the train all day. 😉


what about the green beer  or green near beer that allowed on the train...............jim


Hooray for one year.  Enjoy that Amish cooking - its the true comfort food.  


Shawn, you are a pleasure and a joy to read! It is so nice to hear your story and be here to wish you huge congratulations!


I join everyone in lauding your success !  One year......that's truly amazing ! You provide hope for all of us....... thank you.


Way to go on 1 year!!!!


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WOOHOO SHAWN! CONGRATULATIONS On 1 YEAR, on Sunday of course! Thank you for sharing that wonderful story.


Shawn, You are an inspiration to everyone on this site. Congratulations on your upcoming year !!


Congrats on 1 year way to go 


Congrats to you Shawn. been a great ride let's keep it going........


What a powerful story...absolutely amazing!!! I love what our dear Tommy said to you, too!

Congrats on a year!!! That is such a huge milestone! Glad you're going to celebrate!!!


Oh Shawn thank you for sharing your story...It totally made me cry tears of joy...the kindness is truly a blessing have been so lovely and supportive of me since day one and I am honored to be walking the freedom with you !!! Congratulations on your amazing year is SUCH an accomplishment!!! xo


Thank you for the warm welcome! And Congrats on your 1 year!

So thankful for the time you get with your Mum!




Congrats on your one year Shawn!!!!! Your story made me so emotional I had to call my daughter over to read it.  Expecially the part about the warmth and hand holding from Tommy! It really touched me.  Congrats again! Good job on keeping that quit.



What an amazing journey! Thank you for sharing!

Peace, Janice


Wow. I friended you and then read you. Your amazing thank you. 


Hi Shawn I live in cleveland also I dont have a problem quiting i have a problam  staying quit mary


Hi Shawn I live in cleveland also I dont have a problem quiting i have a problam  staying quit mary


Congratulations, Keep up the good work.

Sue Holding on.


I rally enjoyed reading your blog and it did help me.My quit date was March 11,2016 I did very well on day short of a week then jut gave in.I felt like a failure but then my thought was if the patch is eual to 20-30 a day then why can't I just cut back on my own without the patch?I now have a headache from hell and a sore throat.I am confused on the difference in the nicitine from the patch and just smoking half of what I did then cutting back more.I don't think cold turkey is a option as I have smoked since I was 17 and now am 55 ,I got went up to two packs a day after becoming disable there is nothing much I can do or  get out and go as I am mostly home bound.Can you suggest what I can read on line to help?My medical future dpends on this.Congratulations on your stop smoking!!!!!!!! I know you are very proud and feel so much better.Can you teel a differenc in your skin on thee face yet?I was just wondering as I am really starting to age and my excuse is also stress and yes I am under a lot of it alo before my quit date I only bought a pack at a time by now I would have smoked 5 cartons and have only bought 5 packs thi whole month.Isn't this progres?Marijan


I rally enjoyed reading your blog and it did help me.My quit date was March 11,2016 I did very well on day short of a week then jut gave in.I felt like a failure but then my thought was if the patch is eual to 20-30 a day then why can't I just cut back on my own without the patch?I now have a headache from hell and a sore throat.I am confused on the difference in the nicitine from the patch and just smoking half of what I did then cutting back more.I don't think cold turkey is a option as I have smoked since I was 17 and now am 55 ,I got went up to two packs a day after becoming disable there is nothing much I can do or  get out and go as I am mostly home bound.Can you suggest what I can read on line to help?My medical future dpends on this.Congratulations on your stop smoking!!!!!!!! I know you are very proud and feel so much better.Can you teel a differenc in your skin on thee face yet?I was just wondering as I am really starting to age and my excuse is also stress and yes I am under a lot of it alo before my quit date I only bought a pack at a time by now I would have smoked 5 cartons and have only bought 5 packs thi whole month.Isn't this progres?Marijan


WOW!  Shawn this true story is such an encouragement!!!!!  I'm so glad that your mom is doing so much better.....praise the Lord!!!!!!  And how you got thru those first few INCREDIBLY STRESSFUL days is a real eye-opener and you're an amazing heroine (not the!!!  I know that I may not have prepared as well as I could for this quit, but with folks like you on my side and, of course, Jesus by my side, I am almost excited to give it a real try.  THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing this with us!!!!  I'll be praying for you and your family!!!!!  May God continue to bless you!!!!


Very amazing to read how someone's life is changed through the goodness of other's

Thanks for sharing this blog on your comments section on your profile page 

About the Author
I am 51 yrs old and live in the Greater Cleveland area. I started smoking at a young age. I think it was more peer pressure at that time and just a few cigarettes a day until i became "LEGAL" to smoke. I then started smoking a pack or more a day, using stress as my excuse to smoke more. In reality, I realized after i quit smoking that there is no excuses for smoking. I am approaching 4 yrs next month, but I still have to work to protect my quit. I am here on Ex faithfully helping others and in return helps me. We call it here on Ex "Collateral Kindness" here is a link to my blog, 1 yr later that explained my trials in the the beginning of my quit.