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Share your quitting journey

One Week Today

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I've been here before. The one week mark. But somehow THIS time it FEELS different. I'm not anxious and wondering when IT will end and I fail by having a cigarette. THIS time I'M in control. I choose to not smoke. I choose to continue to be an EX smoker. It's not easy - but one thing that keeps me focused is that darn countup clock! I don't want to have to reset it! Please pray for me this week. I know it's going to be rough at the family reunion next weekend. I want to be able to go and relax and have a great time and not FEAR that I will crumble and give in to the urge to smoke. Actually there are only a few left in the famly that do smoke. And my one cousin never "buys" them. She always bums mine!!! Not any more!!! I know I can do this, because I have all of you praying for me and supporting me. I will be successful. Have a great night everyone. God bless

11 Comentarios

Congrats, Janice... for keeping your quit safe!  Its seem different for me too, this time.  Instead of panicking when the craving hit me.... I took a step back and thought about what i was feeling and what was really important to me.  I can't say I haven't had some rough moments.... I have.  But I think being here... having somewhere to go... many people ho are 'listening in' for those of us 'in trouble' and jump in to help.  Its been a God Send to me.  I had a big family thing this past week-end and it went just fine!  It'll be fine for you too!!

Stay Strong!  I'll be praying for you!


Congratulations on your week, Janice.  I went by your page to lay a high five on your count up clock.  I love it.  Graceful birds slipping through the clean air, slow and steady.

I know what you mean about "this time feels different."  It seems to me a lot of my smoking habit sprang from the belief that I needed it, belief that I wanted it.  When you're able to shake off that peculiar, stubborn belief (like pulling your bicycle wheel out of a rut in the road) all of a sudden -- dang.  This is different!

I don't actually need them at all.  And I don't want them.  Because I'm not a smoking person anymore.

You just keep on flying straight ahead.


Awesome job on your first week Janice! Keep up the great work. You're totally right when you say that "you CHOOSE to quit" That makes a big difference. No one can make you quit. YOU have to want it for yourself. Stick with the quit. You're doing fantastic. N.O.P.E. Best wishes.


You're gonna be fine. just don't dwell on it.

Take a lemon and bite into it skin and all if things get overwhelming.


Have a plan of exactly what you will do if you run into a problem. Come on here and blog if possible, or have someone in the family that you can go to in order to vent....or go for a walk, or......well, you get the idea. I really think that if we have a plan worked,out ahead of time, we will be okay. You probably won't even need the plan!! You can do it!! Take care and congrats again! 


You have way too much determination to let a silly ole reunion ruin that beautiful quit of yours!!!  You march right in there with all your new found confidence and, remember, we are right beside you!!!!  Have a wonderful smoke-free reunion:)!!!!!



Thanks so much for all your support. You're right Cindy - I am determined and WILL protect my quit. And having you all beside me supporting me helps me so very much. Thanks again 


Congrats Janice.... I'm on day 6 myself and I know what you mean about it feeling different.... Stay strong !




HI Janice,

I quit on Feb 27!  I went to classes sponsored by the Health Dept here to quit.  On week 3, I was still smoking, even with a patch on!!  I was so disgusted with myself,I  knelt down and asked God to help me, that I coud not do it by myself.  From that moment on, it became manageable, not "easy" but a lot easier than it had been!!  I have been smoking for almost 40 years.  Everyone in my family had quit except me and I was so embarrassed to be hooked on cigarettes.

It has been 3 1/2 months and I hardly think about smoking anymore.  When I see those shocking ads on TV about smoking, I am sooo glad that I can say I am an Ex-smoker.

Good luck with your will get there!  I hope you are using patches, cause they really help!



Congratulations!  You can do it-one hour-one day- one week-one month-one year at a time!