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Share your quitting journey

One Month

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In a few hours I will reach the milestone of one month since I quit smoking! It still feels like a dream - like this is happening to someone else......because, as you know, I smoked for 40 years! As I've said before - I don't know why the hell it took me so long - but, better late than never is my motto, as I look to the future! The reading I did to prepare for my quit - plus this marvelous site - have allowed me to do this for myself.

I also mentioned before that I once lost a lot of weight. It was many years ago (almost 30!), but I still have a magazine article I saved from that time. These words were written by a woman's husband after she had lost a great deal of weight - however, I believe they can apply to our struggle with nicotine addiction. The woman was having a bad day and said to her husband -" what was the point of this struggle - nothing has changed." He wrote the following note to her the next day:

"You tell me that nothing and no one has changed, that your life is exactly the same as it was before. True, nothing has changed, and yet, everything has changed. You have overcome the greatest pain and anguish of your life. You have dealt with your personal demon and stood up to the torment that has always been a part of your existence and finally, once and for all, conquered it. You will never be the same again. To have done this changes a person. Very few have the courage, the greatness of spirit, to overcome their greatest pain. Those few who do - can never, ever be defeated by life. The finest thing a human being can do - and the hardest - is to grow past our own special enemy, the traitor within, and become free of it. Very few ever do this. You did it, and the strength and pride that now belong to you will always be there when you need them. I am terribly proud of knowing you." Larry LeShan

I share these words with you - and I believe they apply to all of you. THANK YOU!!



Congrat on the first month of you smoke free life. Thank you for sharing the wisdom of the man who wrote that to his wife! The conquering of our personal demon is the one of the greatest accomplishment in life! Let us strive to help all around us know the feel of that triumph!! You are doing fantastic! Keep on keeping on! I will meet you at the top of the mountain! Tommy


Hooray for the month milestone.  Thanks for sharing that letter.  Too often I find myself focusing on the struggle rather than the accomplishment.  That was a great reminder of what greatness all of us have achieved.


Very powerful words - thank you so much for sharing them with us.   😃


isn't  it just fantastic.



Thank you for that. And congrats on your quit! One month is huge! Keep going with it and don't forget to celebrate and give yourself a big hug!!!


That was beautiful.  And it is equally beautiful to know that after 40 years, you can still have the strength to change something so deep and ingrained.  Congrats!  I am really very proud of you.  That is inspiring!


CONGRATULATIONS  Kathy! You are a TRUE CHAMPION!! You've made it through your first MONTH of a NEW LIFESTYLE! That is Immense! Now you are FREE to decide not to Smoke each and every day without having the minute by minute Torment of Nicotine Addiction! N.O.P.E. and N.E.F=Never Ever Forget!! Freedom is a Beautiful Thing!


That was very special and very true. Thanks for sharing and congrats on your quit. I am proud of you! Freedom, indeed.


Happy one month birthday honey! And thank you for sharing those kind words. They are truly inspirational as is your one month clean! 🐵


Wow Strudel - how profound!  I love it!  I think I like you.. you add insightful comments and your picture is a kitty.. that's great.

I quit last September after smoking for 36 years.  I quit with Chantix and this site.  If you don't mind me sharing have gone through the worst of it and will now be smoke free for the rest of your life. BUT, be very careful moving forward because the addiction will play with your mind occassionally.  Never, ever forget how hard the first week was and if you pick up just one cigarette (actually one puff) you will have to experience that all over again.  There will still be moments ahead where you will feel the urge so my advice is to play the whole "movie" to the end in your mind... For instance.. when you get an intense urge.. play (in your mind) with the idea of giving in you smoke one, and then you KNOW that it's not just one so you smoke a few.. etc... how long before you are fully smoking again .. a week, a month?  The "movie" always ends the same.  As addicts, we can never let nicotine touch our nervous system again or it will trigger week 1 urges all over again.

So, celebrate your accomplishment - it is HUGE and worthy of a wonderful celebration.   But, be very careful moving forward.. never let your guard down... watch for those crazy thoughts and work through them.


Thanks for sharing, Strudel. I love it!  Congratulations on a month! Stay strong:)


Kathy--Congratulations on one month and THANK YOU for sharing those touching words...WOW!!! That really says it all!!!


Congrats on a month! Thanks for sharing that article.


I know I'm reading this late to congratulate you on one month, but now your even past THAT. I needed to take a minute to reply to this sharing of a beautiful letter. It's inspiring, and fitting for all kinds of personal issues. When we face our fears, stand strong against them, we are unstoppable. And, even when we think no one sees it, they really do! It helps so much to be told..... Today, on Day One, I've been told by the three closest people in my life. These have seen me smoke nearly 3 packs a day for maybe a year and a half, and up to two packs a day for many, many more years before that.


Wow!  So powerful for me right now. Thank you for sharing that.

About the Author
I live in Greensboro, North Carolina. I have 2 cats - Monet and Holly. I retired from teaching special education in 2004 and then taught part-time until 2013. I quit smoking on June 12, 2010 after smoking for 40 years! I am amazed daily - still - by the glory of freedom!