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One Handed White Knuckle driving and day 60!!

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We have been getting snow almost every day here in CO for a week now.  It's not that we have gotten that much but it's so cold it keeps on freezing.  On the way home today I noticed that most of the time driving I was driving with one hand very tightly on the wheel.  Of course it's not that I am totally forgetful of my 37 year habit of trying to kill myself but it really did not hit me at first.  I am driving this way since I always had a cigarette in the other hand and pretty much chain smoked on the way to and from work when bad weather.

I am thankful every day for this site and all of you of you who have helped me on my journey.  "Good Morning Mike" explained to me what N.E.F was.  Never ever forget.  I don't know about you but this really does say it all.  I had a small craving yesterday after the nasty long drive home and I though Never Ever Forget.  This did it one drag leads to a full cigarette that leads to right back to where I was.

 I don't ever I mean EVER be there again.  I am dang determined to be in that 6% club and with your help I hope we make this year the 7 or 8% club.  

Thank you everyone be strong and happy.



I hate driving in the snow and ice and it makes me very, very tense. Driving has always been a trigger for me , It feels funny to drive without a cigarette in hand . Now I make sure that  I have my little piece of straw to hold and put in my mouth... at least for now until i am used to not smoking . It really helps !


Congrats on your 60 days and passing the white knuckle test too !!!


Yes congratulations 


Congratulations on your wonderful 60 day quit, you really are doing great and thank you for your inspiring blog. 



Great job Bonnie.  I smoked constantly when I was driving.  I think it was my restlessness.  It actually went away some time in the first year.  I never think about smoking when driving anymore.  You will get there sooner than later, I suspect.  Carry on>


Hi, Bonnie -- I also was a chain smoker while I was driving.  I have substituted having something to drink out of a straw in the cup holder that is constantly full.  I discovered Kirkland diet green tea, and bought a 36-pack of the bottles.  I keep it in my garage where it stays cold and then fill up my 7-11 Big Gulp cup every day and keep a spare bottle in the car.  It works like a charm!

Stay warm and dry and celebrate that wonderful 60 day quit.  I'm coming up right behind you!


Bonnie - Way to go! Congrats on 60 days! You are doing this - N.O.P.E.!!! 


Congratulations on 60 days!


Congrats on 60 days Bonnie! Awareness keeps coming! You have taken your life back and 60 days is something to be very proud of! xo


You are awesome!  Keep it up!


Keep your eyes on the road in front, not the one in the rear view mirror. 


Hi Bonnie. Your doing so good. Proud of you. My son lives in C.O. And I say it's about time you guys got some couple weeks prior we had all the ice and frigid tempts and my son said it was 60 degree's!!!!  The weather where he(u) are is so crazy. I visited in may last year and as you see on my photo-It snowed!!!  N.O.P.E. Congrat's.