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Share your quitting journey

On day five

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For some reason this day seems harder than the others.  Maybe it's the thought of the weekend upon us . . I don't know.  But I am worried about my quit right now.  I have not stopped at the gas station, husband has kept his well hidden - I know, I looked.  I think I'm just blogging this for my benefit, to talk myself out of wanting one, so just ignore this and go read something interesting!  This is just a vent!  Love you guys and have a great weekend!

10 Comentarios

rosemary blog all you want. that is what we are here for. We are family through the good and the bad times.  I know it must be hard for you with your husband smoking. congratulations on your decision to quit and stay strong.

I remember Day 5 being harder too! No clue as to why! Pushed through and Day 6 was better! Hang in my friend. One hour at a time if need be but of course try to think about something else! We are here. Keep blogging to your hearts content!!!

"Quitters who remain tobacco-free after seven days will likely remain that way for six months, if not longer."

Look how close you are to a place where things get much much better! Hang in there and remember your motivation to quit!


Ignore it?  You must be kidding!!!  If you're worried about your quit, you can bet we are too.  What you have to do is ignore the cravings.  Your mission is to get through today and tomorrow.  Then you'll awaken on Day 7 and get through that day too because you'll realize that at the end of that day you can proudly say I AM DONE WITH HELL WEEK WHOOOOO HOOOO!  Think about that.  Dwell on THAT thought.  You've got to keep aiming for the prizes.  The prizes are the milestones. 



You guys are great!  I already feel so strengthened.  You guys are right - I am close to the end of a week.  Thank you thank you!


Rosemary, through YOU Ive just learned from Thomas and Giulia!! I have a week under my belt plus one day yet I wrote about Scarey Friday!!!I've been craving and craving so I had to figure out what was wrong. My angst was going to Mars with the Oblivion. My husband always says if something is off to check my psych meds. Well, there was my answer. Part of my bipolar is an anxiety disorder.Checked my meds and I hadn't taken my anxiety meds for two days. No wonder I was on Mars!! I took it right away and rested with a liittle nap. All better. No craves!! YOU CAN DO THIS!! Over the hump in two days. PM me if you need a number.

Smoking is not an option. You put them down for a reason. Don't ever forget what brought you to your quit! NOPE!

im on day 5 too! and i spent my whole day on the couch no joke and took a nap. ive had a rough go so far. my second day?  i spent the whole day crying. (im not much of a cryer) you know those commericals promoting depression pills? i could have auditioned as one of the actors just lying on the couch. i weaned  2 weeks prior and i shouldbt have bc i went in full withdrawl right away. i didnt even shower. i couldnt even drive. its was and still is so hard.  i have zero energy. . its slowly getting better. SLOWLY


Venting is better than smoking so vent away anytime.  Stay positive that you can do this because you can. Hold on tight to your quit with all that you have inside of you.  No matter what happens you can remain smoke free.  Keep reading all that you can on this addiction it helps to be educated on what you are going through.


How are you doing? Been thinking of you and thinking about why on this day3, even though I am sick, I want to smoke now more. 

I hope you are ok Hang in there!

Acerca del autor
currently 70 years old, have smoked since 14 years old. Had lung cancer with partial lung removal. I had quit smoking after surgery and chemo, but have started up again, sorry to say. Need to get back on track and quit