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Share your quitting journey

October 1st-Day 1

0 12 81

Tomorrow is my quit date. I am excited and ready for this! I am so glad I found this site because it will be a constant support mechanism for me. I have quit before and know where I went wrong.

I calculated how much I have spent in the last 28 yrs and it blew me away! Almost $50,000!!  Mulitply that by 2 (my husband is quitting with me) and I think my house could be paid off.

I look forward to using this tool for inspiration and support-just wanted to do a shout out and say thanks to all who support this site -your stories are truly inspiring!!

12 Comentarios

Welcome to the site and congrats to you and your husband on deciding to quit! You have come to the right place! You can do this! Be sure to check out this book - Carr's "Easy Way to Stop Smoking" 

( I will come back and post a link to a free copy.) It has helped so many of us! 

Stay close! 


When you first quit smoking watch your blood sugar here is a link that explains why. Best wishes to you.


You have come to the right place. 

1.  At EX our resolve is to never smoke again.  NOPE “Not one puff ever. I suggest that you follow the websites instructions along with watching the videos/tracking, reading and writing blogs and comments, studying, researching, joining groups and making friends.

2.  Go to Look for Freedom from Nicotine My Journey Home and Nicotine Addiction 101 and

3.  Stay close to the site, learn, and ask questions

4   If you should need something to do for craves, here is a link that will help until you develop your own.

I can't help to mention since you use the name bacardi girl you may want to consider eliminating alcohol early in your quit. lol 


Welcome to Ex:

Today I have 105 days of not smoking..............I smoked for 63 yrs.  Have tried to quit more times then I can count.

This site really worked.............listen to the advise you are receiving and you will be a happy quitter.



Hi there, congrats on your decision. This site will be a wonderful support for you. Quitting is so "doable" if we follow the suggestions on this site and share our thoughts. I do not have much time (92 days) but I so have faith that I can do this. I give all the credit to this group for ttheir support. Read the blogs and comments  and educate yourself as much as you can on the addiction so you will understand what your body and brain are going through. It is getting easier for me these last few days. Talk  to you later.  Linda


Hello and welcome to this great community. You will be amazed at the support you will find in this group. Congratulations on your decision to quit smoking and glad your husband is joining you in this journey. Stay close and if you need help holler by blogging the word HELP in title and you will be amazed how quick people come running. Key is to blog before you smoke. You CAN do this!!


Look how cute you are !  I also quit with my husband , I don't think we could have 854 days smoke free if one of us kept smoking . 

Congratulations and welcome to ex . We are here for you ! 


Hello, and Welcome to EX! We are so glad you are here! This is a great place to quit smoking. You have been given links to great information and good advice above. Please do the suggested readings. Education, willingness to do whatever it takes not to smoke, determination and commitment are the keys to a successful quit!

I would like to recommend a group called The Daily Pledge Group. It's fun and will help reinforce your commitment not to smoke!

Just click on the link below and scroll down and take the person's hand before you and promise not to smoke!  You can state your # of days, post a picture or whatever you want! This is your quit be proud of it! Please join us!

This link is also on my page and is also a featured group on our home page!

Hope to see you there!    Terrie

Don't Quit on your Quit!

If you would like to join the group, use the link below, and look to the left, there is a place that says join group, just click it!

If you have any trouble getting into the group, just let me know and I'll try to help!


Welcome to the group!  Yes, you found the best support group you could wish for!  Please do the recommended reading, because educating yourself about the addiction to nicotine is essential to a successful quit.  Just like you I did it before, and after 6 months I thought I had it and can have "just a couple"; wrong, I went back to smoking full time.

Congratulations on your decisions, yours and your husband's, and we will be here at time of need, or just here to share our stories, and make it real for you two, just like so many others did it for me.


202 Days of Freedom (DOF)

Image result for Welcome to the group


Welcome, keep coming back.


Thanks everyone! So far today has been a successful non-smoking day!

My husband and I are both experiencing tiredness due to lack of nicotine-anyone know how long before that stabilizes?