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   What is our Primary Purpose on this site?
   I have my view and it was passed down to me from the old timers over a year ago. I am going to just say this first, this blog like any and every other blog I have written is NOT directed at anyone personally. I write for myself mainly and if I help someone along the way then that is just a major bonus and it makes my day. So if unless your name is in it, it is not about you.
   We all come to this site with the very same one common bond. We are nicotine addicts. We are either addicts who are trying to learn how to stop smoking or we are addicts who have already stopped smoking and found a new way of life. The addicts who have found a new way of life that are still here and who have come before us, are here to teach us how to reach our one ultimate goal. That goal is to stop smoking and stay stopped. They want to give us what they have gotten.
   A big part of recovery is giving away the same free gift that a person has recieved. This not only helps the addict who is still suffering, it also helps the helping addict to keep what they have achieved. That is why this is called a WE program.
   Not everyone arrives here in the same condition, but we all arrive here with the same problem. We are all nicotine addicts. Many of us, myself included, come here with lots of baggage as well. Unfortunately, this is a smoking site where people deal with addictions only because we are not professionals in any other area. Sure, we can get support from people when we have things going on in our lives, but a fellow addict is only equipped to know how to deal with the disease of addiction.
   When I blog about the things going on in my life, I do not expect any one to have the answers to fix those other problems. it is more of a vent to help myself get things out of my head. Sometimes it is to just get support from people who have become my friends. But I do know that I do not put any expectations on people to know how to fix nor cure my problems because I know that the people who came before me are teaching me how to remain smoke free.......thru any and all conditions. They are just fellow addicts who have come before me who have lived life and gotten thru all kinds of crisis's without having to pick up the drug of nicotine to get thru any of it. Is this not the primary purpose of this site? This is what was taught to me anyway.
   The first tradition of Smoking Anonymous talks about Unity. It states that our common welfare should come FIRST because personal recovery depends upon S.A unity. The third tradition states clearly that all are included who suffer from addiction. ALL. It states that we may refuse NO ONE who wishes to recover.
   The  PRIMARY PURPOSE is to carry the message to the fellow addict who still suffers. That is stated loud and clear in tradition five. They say this because it is a WE program and the message gets carried from those who came before us. We keep what we have by giving away what we have received so freely from others. The message keeps getting passed on and on. This is called 12 step work. This 12 step work is never to be paid for.
   Tradition 10 is very important because it talks about outside issues.  It just clearly states that the group as a whole never to express any opinion on outside issues. This can be religion, politics, family problems and so on. A Part of the reason for this tradition is because we are not experts in other areas. I think the last 2 traditions say it all.
   Tradition 11 talks about how we are about attraction rather than promotion. We talk about this all the time how all we can do is lead by example. We cannot force anyone into anything. We know that is someone is not ready then it will not work. But just by being examples, we can show other fellow addicts the way to freedom.
   And last but not least....principles over personalities. This is Tradition 12. it states that we are to practice a genuine humility. It has been seen over and over how we can forget that we are to be relaying the message and not getting into personality conflicts with others. Our primary purpose is to carry the message to the still suffering addict.
   With all this said, I am only learning. I never claimed to be a saint. So if I offended anyone in my blogs, then I apologize now. But these are the traditions that have been laid down before us so we addicts have direction. I had been thinking about this for a few days now and thought it might be helpful to pass on. Principles over personalities for me would be to remember that it is not the messenger but it is the message. AS far as outside issues, I am not a marriage counselor or a DR......or a lawyer. I really do not think you want me to advise you. When I say ME, I really mean anyone who does not fit this category. But we do make friends as a plus and we do confide. Those things are individual choices and not a prerequesite of being on this site.....or part of any group. If you join AA or SA, usually that is what you use your sponsor for. I think what I am trying to say is that I think everyone on here does their very best with what they have to offer. We all come from different places in life with one common bond. We are all addicts. One addict trying to help another addict achieve their goal of becoming free from this addiction.
   I do not think everyone has their heart in the right place.
   When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
   I hope this was helpful to at least one person because this was on my mind for days now and I wanted to share my thoughts. I need to walk around now due to my back procedure. As mentioned, if I did offend anyone it was NOY my intent.

WOW!!!  It certainly doesn't get any clearer than that.  Well said, well written.  Now all we have to do is remember it and live by it.  Thanks for doing your part to remind us.  I am a nicotine addict and have received a great amount of support, encouragement, and suggestions from a lot of people on this site.  That is the only reason I am smoke free today - no way I could have done this on my own. 


Thank you for apoligizing, that was all I needed. 


OMG Ali.. that was perfect and I applaude you for stating without criticizing or head thumping people.  I need to add and I'm sure to receive flack for it, but not only is there support and sponsers for AA, SA, NA but also Alanon.  I've been to several of the Alanon meetings and I found it startling and surprising on my first day that they LISTEN, they do not give their opinions on how one should handle their own situations or offer suggestions unless it's private after the meeting.  This shocked me but once I understood the "why" I nodded.  Every addict, spouse of, friend of etc have enough to handle and that to take on someone elses "problems or issues" means they are YOURS now also. 

I've found myself pondering that more and more... everyone's "recovery" is different, everyone responds to different stimuli so what works for one doesn't mean it will work for another.  So to give a pat on the back when needed, to nod (or in this case type) your agreement ( or shake your head), is not wrong.  But to force your own opinions as to what someone should do based on your experience may not work either.  It's a delicate balance and hard to figure out which way to lean, espeically on a site where you don't know the true personality outside of an occassional blog or two.

Have I done all of the above myself, No.  I can say that honestly. I've given my opinions and that's my issue that I need to work on.   Have I listened to those that I know are hurting, yes.  That's me, my nature as I've been yelled about that many times that I get to "involved" in other peoples lives.  I adopted that from my mom... sorry, but she has a geninue huge heart.

I've made what I consider a few close friends on here in a week.. you Ali being one of them.


I am a member of a 12 step program.  I am a huge proponent of them.  One of the traditions also states that we maintain anonymity at the level of press, radio and films.  I believe that could be updated to say the internet.  While I believe all you say to be accurate and heartfelt, I would suggest you not name the specific program you are referring to.  This is a network of support but not a 12 step program.  Some people have never had any experience with the program you mention and if you relapse it may leave them the impression that that program doesn't work.  I have blogged about my experience with addiction and the steps as well. I hope I haven't offended you; that is not my intention.  Recovery is grand.  Wishing you a great one!


Oh, sorry you took that wrong....I am not in SA but I am in another recovery program and all the steps and traditions are the same. They all stem from the program of recovery of alcho;ics anonymous. So I am sharing the facts od A program, any and all.




Great blog Ali. The tittle of your blog says it all. We are one addict helping another. This to me means a lot. Sometimes we may get too personal in someones life but we just want to help and be helped and I feel that friendship and encouragement is the best support anyone can ask for. Ive got alot of both since ive been on this site. Take care,   KathyS


You said it sister, and eloquently as always, in my opinion!  I am very proud to call you friend, and although I do not comment on each bog - I have learned from you more than once and I hope that continues. I think we are all alot more alike than we are different, although we are all surely very different, but can relate to eachother in that ONE way - and for alot of us, that's a very big deal.  I don't think there are many who would think you meant offense by anything you have to say - but if there are, I think you've cleared that up!  We all share what we know - what we've leanred - share our successes,  slips, bad days - and hey - when someone says " I had a BAD day and I DID not smoke" - there may not be anyone in hteir actual world who is as proud , happy and inspired as those in their virtual world.  Most of my friends still smoke, so I am speaking for myself on that comment!    When we say - "I did not meet my goal today" or "I am SO mad at myself" - again, only those of us who have been there will truely understand how that person is hurting and dealing with this effed up addiction. Instead of someone who knows you on a different basis and has expectations that we who live in your pc do NOT,    I haven't been on in quite sometime! I am walking every day, (have lost 8 pounds) or working in the yard... some kind of activity - ANY kind to get me out of the rut I was in. Smoking was just a part of it, albiet a huge part. Still the best decision I ever made, and the second best was finding this site and continuing to check in even after say 48!!!  Ali -  Heaven holds a place for people like you, my friend. Keep strong, you can do ANYTHING!!!!     xoxo, Melanie

PS) I would show off my rose bush if I could figure out how to put a picture on there!!! 


Thank you @ali2 !!!