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Share your quitting journey

Now What?

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I've been challenged emotionally all day.  It began last Tuesday and peaked last night. I angered someone I considered a close friend and confidante.  She doesn’t want to talk and I have the sense it might be that way for a long time. My feelings are hurt. She's been a touchstone, sounding board and running buddy.  I’m a communicator and she isn’t.  She handles her anger by walking away.  I let my friend know I’m giving her space and whenever she’s ready to talk I’m here.  A scene from "Beaches" keeps coming to mind: It’s C.C. telling Hilary “you took our friendship away without a word. I depended on that friendship. I trusted it.” 

I can handle her being angry. This isn't the first time I've said something that aggravated her.  It’s the complete shutdown that hurts.  As a child, when my cousin got angry I would plead with her not to be “mad at me.” She was my first playmate and when she was angry she wouldn’t play with me. Due to the dynamics of that relationship, a pattern developed.  Whenever someone would get angry the little girl inside took over. I can see, hear and feel her begging and pleading “Please don’t be mad at me. I’m sorry.  Please don’t be mad. Please play with me.” Other patterns developed: (1) I became a kiss-ass. I made the feelings/wants/desires of others more important then my own. (2) It's challenging to make and develop connections and (3) I can become focused on one relationship and neglect others.  If that relationship comes to an end, I believe I'm left “without a playmate.” 

The phrase “grow up” comes to mind.  I’m sure it means different things to different people. For me, in this situation, it means finding a way to help the little girl inside shift her perspective on what's happened and how it relates to her.  I want to help her see she has other playmates and when someone gets angry with her, it's really about them and how they're processing what happened.  It doesn't mean there's something wrong with her or she's bad.  I’m letting her know she doesn't need to "beg" someone not to be angry and there's no value in apologizing when you don't know what you're apologizing for. It would be better to talk but a lot of people have difficulty saying how they feel without being judgmental and accusatory. Saying, "you're a _____" isn't the same as saying "when you talk me to like I'm a child, I feel hurt. It makes me think you think I'm stupid and I feel angry."

This is the first relationship blow-up since becoming an ex. In the past, I would’ve disappeared into a haze of cigarette smoke, pot and alcohol. I’m not feeling any temptation to smoke but my brain is letting me know there’s something different, something's missing.  Oh, there’s no nicotine.  My eyes are red from crying.  I’ve been looking for the gift.  There’s always a silver lining. I believe if I'm patient enough and pay attention I'll catch a glimpse of it. I don’t want to replace one addiction with another but I'm going to have a cocktail.  One more hour and I will have completed another day of freedom.

Michele 61 DOF

About the Author
My relationship with Nic O. Tine began when I was a kid. Occasionally, my dad would have me light his cigarette (Philip Morris.) By age10, I was sneaking butts and once I took a whole cigarette. It was also when my dad’s mom was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Dad didn’t feel he had the right to caution my brothers and I against smoking. It was my mom who told us not to smoke. She became very critical of smokers and smoking. Shortly, after my grandmother’s death, I witnessed a moment that stuck with me: My mom and dad were standing in the bathroom. Dad was throwing his cigarettes in the toilet vowing to quit. My dad smoked until he died. In high school, a couple of my friends smoked and I would bum smokes from them. I didn’t want to consider myself a “smoker” because of my mom’s harsh opinions. I figured as long as I didn’t purchase a pack, I wasn’t a smoker. I didn’t purchase my first pack of smokes until I was a junior in college. Smoking wound up being a weapon I used to feel bad about myself. I knew it was bad for my health. I felt a tremendous amount of guilt, ashamed and like a bad little girl for disobeying my mom. It was overwhelming. Over the years, I found myself reenacting the scene I witnessed as a young girl. On a Sunday evening (always Sunday,) I’d stand in front of the toilet throwing away my smokes vowing to quit. Though I acknowledged my smoking, I never smoked in front of my parents nor any of my mom’s family. I smoked around other smokers or around people I didn’t know and didn’t care whether or not they judged me. Professionally, I’m an IT person. I did applications development, systems design, technical support and customer service. I’ve worked in the fast food, manufacturing, software and travel industries. I have also worked as a substitute teacher, hotel front desk clerk and travel agent. Currently, I work part-time as a bookkeeper for a local farmer (commodities and equestrian.) Personally, I am single, no children. I’m the youngest of 3. During my early childhood, I lived in a combined family situation. At one point, I was the youngest of 13. I am a sexual abuse survivor. I’m a 3rd generation Intuitive/Medium and I'm an empath. I enjoy photography, traveling and being creative. I have 2 cottage industry projects I’m building; Home Decor/Apparel and Intuitive/Medium (not Psychic) readings. I have the sweetest rescued Yorkshire Terrier, Tabasco.