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Share your quitting journey

Not today either...

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Okay now, I have been smoking again now for almost 2 weeks. My throat hurts, I'm full of nicotene and my conviction to quit is waning fast in spite of everything. I suppose it has seared my conscience.
Hi Angie, don't stop trying! set a new date to quit and stick to it. go look at Cindy W's nightstand at her page and that is a good reason to stop!
awwwww smoking... i forget
I suppose it has seared my conscience

Nope. This stuff really isn't that complicated. You have reactivated your physical addiction. Your brain receptors are now totally swamped by nicotine 24/7 and desensitized to anything but nicotine. You are a full-fledged addict and your body demands nicotine.

At this point, you have three choices:

a) Buy 'em by the carton and enjoy them as long as the COPD allows you to.

b) Quit smoking and satisfy your addiciton craves with pharmaceutical nicotine (gum, patch, etc.)

c) Stop using nicotine, go through the withdrawal while your brain chemistry reverts to normal over 2 to 4 weeks and then embrace the concept of "never take another puff".

That's the bottom line. You have to decide what you want to do.
There will never be a perfect time to quit. JUST DO IT!! Easier said than done? Maybe. But as hard as quitting is, I truely believe that it is easier than dying from smoking. I have tried and failed to quit many times too. This time I will not fail. I may whine and complain, but I will not fail. As new things start happening to me I am writing them down. I have noticed that it is not as hard to go up a flight of stairs. I also wake up in the moring without feeling hung over. I no longer cough for the first hour that I am up. I no longer have to "explain" my coughing and sneezing as allergies. You can quit. You just have to make up your mind. One thing is for sure. A craving WILL NOT kill you.
Just say NO AND QUIT. YOU CAN DO IT. You have to make your mind up to do it. Nobody else can.
angie, i too have been smokeing, i was down two 1/2 cig. a day with chantix. i fell into the trap
after my husband of 16trs. left. after 7yrs. of abuse i choose 2 see this as a blessing! i've learned
that i am happy when i'm kind 2 others + unhappy wheni'm not. perhaps it's when we r caught
short- when our canned answerd don't work- that God uses us most effectively!! God waits4 us to connect
through prayer. God has a purpose 4 both of us! i've learned that if u purpose, happiness, it will
eludeyou. but if u focus on your family, the needs of others , your work, meeting new people,and
doing, + doing the very best u can, happiness will find you!!
Hi Angie. We all struggle with the wanting, needing, thinking about and so on when it comes to smoking. For myself I decided early on that smoking is not an option. I will chew gum, chew on straws, drink water, eat, take a walk, work out, clean house, cry, scream, cuss or just about anything else that will get me through--but smoking is not an option. I think until you come to that point within yourself, it is going to be much harder than it already is. At one time in my life it didn't think it would be possible for me to quit smoking, but I've now done it for almost 3 months & I'm lovin every minute of it--even getting through the "hard" times we all have now & then. Hang in & do something nice for yourself--that doesn't involve a cig.
i refuse 2 allow the devil to make me feel guilty,unworthy,like Jesus loves me any less, which is impossible!!!
we can't go back,that was then+ this is now. u know that ex's don't judge!! ptl.!!! i've learned that kindness is
more important than perfection
angie, hope u will chat with me soon. i realy miss your mail
Hi Angie, You are a beautiful lady - embrace the future!! Start Now!! From hwc's list I would pick route #2 and gradually transition away from nicotine! You can do this!! Hugs, Sandra
You have a choice whether or not to smoke. If you want to quit bad enough, you won't keep finding excuses not to.