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Today I smoked six cigs and felt pretty bad about it.  Going to do some reading here. Tomorrow is another day.


I'm glad you let us know please read everything you can about quitting smoking and remaining quit because there's a wealth of information here to strengthen your resolve to kick the nicotine poison to the curb and start living a life of Freedom, you can and will be successful  but you must believe it and be willing, determined and totally committed to succeed, you need to realize that quitting smoking Is absolutely difficult to say the least but it's also very Doable and so very worth it and we're all here to help you through any rough patches that you may come upon but you have to let us know by blogging help then wait for a few minutes or so and they'll be people coming to try and help you through but the bottom line is it's a choice and you need to choose to quit and stay quit no matter what is happening in life and you will succeed, stay close and read everything you can find because it'll help prepare for a life of Freedom. 


Where did you get those 6 cigarettes?  I could never have quit if I had a cigarette within reach.  You have been here for 3 years - you want to quit - now it is time to make up your mind to quit.  I am here to cheer you on!


OK---well, time to get back up on the horse. Don't let a lot of time go by before starting your quit again. Do some self analysis and figure out why you smoked....what happened....what triggered this? And then decide what you will do when this happens the next time. Because it will and in order to quit successfully you need to have a plan of how you will get through those time.Keep in touch and stay strong


Cross the line and get on the road to freedom ,do the right thing to stay on it. 

You can do it if you get started and don't look back. 


A bit of tough love coming.  Take what you need and leave the rest.  Or stop reading now.

Well yes, Scarlett, "after all, tomorrow IS another day."  Just like today was. Unless we do something to change it.  What are you going to do to change it tomorrow?  I don't mean reading on here.  I assume you did that three years ago when you were here and have been doing it here now..  I mean what ACTIONS are you going to take to change your tomorrow?   You got a whole bunch of great replies on your blog four days ago:  /blogs/Mona15-blog/2018/02/07/cold-turkey-didnt-work-for-me   What have you learned?  What do you think you still need to learn?  What don't you understand?  What can we do to help that we haven't yet offered as far as advice and support?  Obviously there's something still missing.  What is it?    Personally I think it's just that you haven't said YES in your heart of hearts to this journey.  You're still fighting it.  But that's just my guess.  Having fought it for so many years myself.  

I assume you're still planning a REAL quit on Feb. 15th and these two attempts were just sort of trial runs?  Trial runs are good.  We learn the track, the pitfalls, the potholes, the sharp curves, the places we need to pick up speed, the places where we need to be particularly wary.  But what are you doing to change your course?   You said cold turkey didn't work - so what's your next line of defense?  What  NRT or drug or alternative technique, or behavior modification are you using to help instead?  Anything?  What are you doing differently? 

We have to change SOMETHING when we quit.  It could be our thinking, or our behaviors, our attitude, willingness, our self discipline, our choices... but we can't remain the same and quit.  Something has to be altered.  At some point we need to sit down with ourselves and come to grips with that.  


Hi Marilyn,

Thanks for the supportive words.


Hi Sootie,

Thanks for the support. I’m going to spend this dreary day reading and trying to figure out why I cave.



Hi Giulia,

Yes I need to figure out what I’m going to change and what I’ll do differently. Thanks.



Feeling bad about it not required. Shake that negative thought right out of your head. Quitting is a process, not an event. Every time you set those cigarettes down and don't smoke is a step toward breaking the pattern. Do your prep work, get yourself prepared, have a plan. Then you will succeed!

Congrats on your efforts. May the quit be with you!



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