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Share your quitting journey

Not so bad

0 8 119

This morning was terrible, i sat on the side of the bed feeling sorry for myself,  and even shed a tear... however, NO SMOKING!! My youngest son came up to me tonight, wrapped his arms around me, and asked me, "Mommy have you smoked?".. it felt great to say No, I have not. I have always said "one day at a time", the last few days, feels more like it should be one hour at a time.. i even put a rubber band on my wrist, and snapped it when i felt the urge to smoke. One day, almost completed, on to tomorrow.  Happy Valentines Day!!!! Oh.... Thank you for the information on  🙂

8 Comentarios

you hang in there, i know you must of felt so good when your little boy put his arms around his mommy, it is not easy to quit but it can be doneNOPE


Yes do the reading really helps, so glad you are smoke free, it will get better and better, and you will be so glad you quit, after a while won't even think about it anymore hang in there and keep snapping lol


Just hang in there. What helps me alot, is having sugarfree hard cinnamon candy, and hard sugarfree lemon candy. I know how it is with kids, and smoking, We are still learning to stay quit for good. I have a daughter who is proud of me today. You can always say to yourself or out loud. THIS TOO SHALL PASS! Keep a journal on hand. Make, or buy a photo frame, place your son's photo in it, and make a note on the frame, saying; THIS IS MY REASON NOT TO SMOKE. KEEP IT WHERE YOU SIT, THIS CAN BE USED AS A REMINDER, NOT TO SMOKE. LOL


Yes, all of the above. is also another good site.  You can do this, one minute, one hour, one day at a time.


Feeling sorry for yourself is the worst thing you can do. It's a trap. Don't go there. Stay positive and be proud of yourself for what you are doing.


Keep looking at the kids. They have got to be the main reason to stop. Tobacco does hurt our bodies; trust me I was a hospice nurse for two years. I myself feel the effects now of smoking. My goal in one week is to go for a run. / walk. Maybe you could to . Start slow. Allow your lungs to get the health they desereve. Cigs rub us of our health. So keep snapping your band if needed and remember you are not alone.


Congrats on day 1! Take it hour by hour, minute by minute, as long as you don't smoke you are doing it right.


its hard, but worth it, read everything, ask the experts here and stay close to this site, there is always some one around to help or cheer u on,  i also felt sad when i quit, but it does pass and u will laugh ur heart out and dance in the rain and rediscover someone, u, stay strong and free