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Share your quitting journey

Not new to this............

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This will be my 7th time to try and quit. My quit date is June 10th and I have already stocked up on inhalers and liquid.  I have smoked for 40 years and have COPD plus it's killing me.  You would think that that would motivate me but it doesn't.  The addiction is stronger than the will to quit.  You see, I like to smoke.  I will miss it badly and I have nothing to replace it with.  When I quit I tend to have weak moments where I say, oh, what the hell, one isn't going to hurt.  I have never gone more than 3 days without a cigarette.  Recently. two of my friends have died from smoking, just stopped breathing in their sleep.  That is scary.  Anyway, I am gonna try this program and start working on my triggers.  I refuse to give up trying. Maybe this time it will work.  I am going to use e-cigs again.  I don't particularly like them but I have to have something to inhale and do with my hands. I really haven't given them a good chance.  If I can get past the first three days, I know I can do it.  I have never accomplished this before.  Fingers crossed.

18 Comentarios

It will only work if you make it work. there can be no indecision.


Hi Jools, thought I'd catch you here on the blogs! Like I said lots of links will come your way....please read, read, read! I really changed my thinking about cigarettes after educating myself! So glad you found us and I look forward to getting to know you! Congrats on your decision and hopefully this will be the forever quit!


Oh yea, crossed fingers will only help because it makes it harder to hold a cigarette! 😉 



The MOST important thing you can do is educate yourself about the nicotine addiction by reading, reading and more reading…

It takes the mindset that we aren't giving up anything...we are doing it because we want to and not signing up for a lifetime of deprivation but a lifetime of freedom...that is the personal journey no one can take for us...There is no trying, no fingers crossed…Just a decision and then honoring that decision come what may…We have felt Exactly like you do right now but followed direction and quit.

Helps with the mind set to quit:  

Preparation is the key to success:


A great read:


Welcome to the site.  You have gotten some great links from Joy.  Cross your fingers if that helps, but determination and education will be the greatest helps to your Quit.


As Joy listed above, some great reads. Check out peoples blogs on site here and all the info the site has to offer. Once you learn about your addiction, you can handle your cravings. Blog when you need to. We are here to help.


Welcome to the site! No trying needed - as YaYa said - determination and education will do it! I also smoked for 40 years - I did the reading (and I was kicking anspd screaming about what a dumb idea it was before I started!!) - and I got the support here - and I quit! That was almost 3 years ago! And guess what - you really don't like to THINK you like to smoke......all a part of the addiction. Really!! Read - free course at and Carr's "Easy Way to Stop Smoking" -

Read, stay!! 


Take advantage of those links joy and Strudel gave you because knowlege truley is power.    There really is no luck involved at all. Quitting may not be easy, but it IS simple. Commit to not taking another puff ever again, and then do whatever it takes to keep that promise no matter how uncomfortable it is at first.  

You can do it!  Keep in mind that "quitting" is an action.  Do the reading, make a plan of how you will distract your mind when "craves" hit, and take advantage of all the caring people on this site who would love to support you.  

Six months ago I was just as addicted as you are now, but now I'm free of that killer drug, and so happy to be.    You can do this, and we're all here for you.





Hi and welcome Read this book and links the exer have shared. It’s been a tremendous help to me, This Is my 4th and last quit. I laughed when they said read the book. How the heck is that going to help when nothing else did, believe you me, I tried several different methods to quit..  What, I learned from my last quit, NO TYPE of Tabaco is safe. 30 days free went out the window. The book and this group is a God send.

 The quit battle it’s no so hard when you have the right tools, because while you’re fighting necodemon, he will test you. Smokeless angel is your plan, distraction, and self- talk. Read the blogs to. Write them. I found inspiration from fellow exers,. If they can do it!! Staying smoke free, even when they could be having the worst day or their life or a very stressful one, the chose to stay free

You can do this, educating yourself, first is key. The book will open your eyes to the addiction

You will be embraced with support this group it’s beyond awesome!!



Sounds like you have TRIED a lot! It is time to quit trying and do it! Do not stockpile scapegoats for failure! People try everything and then blame their quit aids for their own personal failure!

Educate yourself about your addiction, and stockpile your Focus and Determination! Grow a backbone where that wishbone is, and lets get this done! You can do this! We will help!


Welcome to EX and very glad you are here.  Long term smokers have quit and stayed quit.  As far as I know I smoked longer than anyone else at EX, 54 years.  I quit and so can you.  First start with the reading and educating yourself on nicotine addiction. Once you learn how the addiction works it is easier to know how to quit.  Don't use the excuse what does it matter one isn't going to hurt.  For a nicotine addict there is no such thing as one.  I have been quit over 2 years and I know if I smoke one I am hooked again. As you read you will learn how to change your mindset to become a non smoker. Stay close to EX and we will hold your hand all the way.


Welcome! Coming to this site for support really does work. There are people here with some strong quits who are always ready to offer words of support, smiles or tough talk. Read everything suggested. Blog a lot and ask for help before relapsing and then wait for the help to come. Just let some time pass and see if you can't feel better. Look at it this way, you smoked for 40 years so what's a few days of waiting to feel better? 3 days 10 days, 20 days all go really fast when you are not obsessing about something. The day will come when it won't be on your mind so much and you will be so happy you quit!

Choose breath not death! We can show you how - You Decide!

pretty inspirational right to the core -  I am not alone as everyone who responded so helpfully was 'hardcore' smoker - 40 yrs, 54 yrs (self 44) --- you are proof it CAN BE DONE.

I love the 'get rid of willpower' and embrace and love the 'craving' as it is only a 'feeling' play with it, discover it, wait for it and intrepret it.  Rightly so with 2 patches on in past 0 the mind always won out to smoke....if it was just physical, I would have beat is the mind, mind, thoughts, mood sswings - change the mind, change the thought...get rid of the fear of the crave and just welcome it.  

I will do so now again in a new way.....stopping the resistance, conflict, raging, fighting back and forth, I will know 'they' will come, let them happen and learn from them.


pretty inspirational right to the core -  I am not alone as everyone who responded so helpfully was 'hardcore' smoker - 40 yrs, 54 yrs (self 44) --- you are proof it CAN BE DONE.

I love the 'get rid of willpower' and embrace and love the 'craving' as it is only a 'feeling' play with it, discover it, wait for it and intrepret it.  Rightly so with 2 patches on in past 0 the mind always won out to smoke....if it was just physical, I would have beat is the mind, mind, thoughts, mood sswings - change the mind, change the thought...get rid of the fear of the crave and just welcome it.  

I will do so now again in a new way.....stopping the resistance, conflict, raging, fighting back and forth, I will know 'they' will come, let them happen and learn from them.


I have smoked 45+ years and now 6 months quit.  Believe me, I thought this was impossible as this is my 3rd and final quit.  The first 2 were at 2 months and I thought, I got this, I can have just one.  NOT  Just one turns into full blown smoking in no time.  When I made up my mind that I was going to do this, I got so excited and changed my feelings about the quit into "I want this!!  I need this!!  I will do this!!"  I was so excited that I actually quit 5 days before my quit date and never looked back.  This is so much easier than I ever thought possible.  By the way, I am in stage 2 copd and haven't breathed this good in years.  Although, enphasema is not reverseable, the lung function can get a lot better.  I guarentee you that.  I would rather breath than die suffocating.  Sorry to be so blunt.  But these are the things I need to think about every day.  Now, you can do this too.  The fear of quitting is much worse than the actual quit.


Oh, y'all, thank you so much for your kind and sometimes firm comments.  I need this.  I use the excuse that I am weak which I feel I am when it comes to the addiction.  But then, I think about what a strong woman I actually am to have lived with epilepsy my whole life, endured a horrific brain surgery and two marital disasters, not to mention losing everything I had in Hurricane Ike 4 years ago. I tend to be hypocritical at times, as I have been on the other end, giving support with other matters to other people, yet not being as receptive myself with it here.  

My question is this, even after all the reading, etc and believe me I have done a lot and will continue: How do I get the mindset that I am going to be successful with this attempt? I actually feel shame that my daughter obviously doesn't mean more to me than my addiction as she has pleaded with me to stop and I haven't.  This makes me so angry at myself. I have difficulty convincing myself that I can do this. Why??? I torture myself by going back and forth....I am strong...No, I am frustrating.

This is the first time I have joined a group and, surprisingly, I am finding it inspiring. Your input is amazing.  So, I have 15 days to psych myself out....any advice is deeply appreciated.  Thank you.


the way to get the mind set is this   when a negative thought comes to mind, push it away and see your self, free and happy, let it know you are the boss, and nothing, nothing can beat you, keep your mind on that and nothing can touch you. i know, i smoked for 42 years and have almost 5 years smoke free, this site and a good mind set is what did it for me.  YOU CAN DO THIS !