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Not as Winded as I Used to be Going Up Stairs

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   I walked up a set of stairs today and I wasn't as winded as I used to be.  WAHOO!  
   That was surprising because I haven't really quit smoking yet.  If my lungs are repairing themselves that fast it means I'll get back to normal health in a few years.  I remember reading somewhere that the lungs and body of a smoker get back to 'normal' after 5 to 10 years of not smoking. 
   Here's a Stop Smoking Recovery Table that has a lot of interesting stuff.  One of the things I like is that after 10 days of not smoking the average ex-user is down to encountering less than two crave episodes per day, each less than 3 minutes.  That's a lot of progress in a short amount of time.  
   Maybe this quitting smoking will be easier than I thought.  NOT!  I know I have the support of this community and that's important to me.  I hope I can overcome this addiction and have a better life.  
   I'm tired of everything in my home smelling like smoke and I'm starting to get worried about my health.  I just turned 49 years old so I'm sure that has something to do with it, but regardless of the motivation to quit, I think I am ready.  RicoRamiro
   .:I'm Not Even Winded:. by BlueBead

Hi - Im 55 years old and have been smoke free for 55 days now.  It really is easier than you might think - a good attitude and a good support system is, in my opinion, the key to making it easier.  I still have some bad times but they are fewer and farther between.  Good luck to you.


You can arrest lung damage by quitting but damage is irreversible. (As in COPD)

Endurance, Blood pressure, things such as that do normalize and improve


Yep health gets better my Blood preasure use to be high everything in your body is harmed by smoking 


Thanks for your comments and advice. 

I think you're right jonescarp aka dale (1-2007).  Smoking does permanently damage the alveoli (air sacs) in the lungs.  I just found it here:  How smoking hurts your health.

Hope everyone is doing okay 🙂


Yup.  I still get a little winded.  I live in a townhouse and there is nothing but stairs!  I  was really bad, having to sit after going up one flight but 31 days clean has made it somewhat easier.  I still get a little winded but nothing like before!  And I can just go on to doing what I needed to do after climbing up!  I know it will take a long time but hell, we are doing it!  Be proud and happy!  You are doing great!


Hey Rico, no offense or take offense, but walk the walk first, put out the poison and then talk the talk and you can't hold a card to Dale, just take Dale's advice and be glad for it.