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Share your quitting journey

No Man’s Land feels like Hell sometimes

7 15 167

I’m now in my 42nd day of freedom.  Yesterday was hard, last night was harder but today it feels a little better.  I guess with each big, rough wave that hits me, I get stronger and stronger as I maintain this quit.  I’m feeling good today.  I mean not everything in life is sunshine and roses but I definitely feel a world of difference from where I was last night.  Just going to keep pulling through, taking life one moment at a time today.  And I know once I pass more hurtles it’ll start getting easier.  Patience is the key.  For all of you newbies out there, no man’s land can be challenging.  But please, please hold tight to your strength and your quit.  And stay close to this website!!!  XO

15 Comentarios

You are doing great. I remember when NML hit me. It took me by surprise even though I read up on it!  I felt like you that it came in waves when I least expected it. Believe me it will pass Get on your surf board and ride the NOPE waves. You got this. I am here for you. Barb


So glad you better - this too shall pass - Yahoooooooooo WAY TO GO!!!


You sound absolutely wonderful today and you are doing this quit and you're doing it one precious Smokefree Day at a time or hour minute or even a second at a time ,YAY for each and every Day WON, it really does get easier and easier with time under your belt and it definitely gets better and better without the crutch of cigarettes.......


Your strength amazes me.  I folded so many times it took an oxygen tank to obtain my quit and I'm not proud to say this but if perhaps someone new is reading this they may keep their quit before it's too late for them.   Luckily.....thru rehabilitation, I was able to come off of oxygen altho I have labored breathing during increased activity. 

So amazed.  Keep up the good work!!


Huge hug Deena ......


Yay! I'm so glad to hear you had a better day! This is a process and we are all here with you! Remember you're much stronger than you think. Xoxo 



Thank you for the love, everyone.  It was a much better day at work although I got tired toward the end of the day.  But having a nice dinner, gonna head home, watch some TV and do some journaling.  Writing is great therapy for me, so it’ll help to just put the words on the page tonight.  Love to everyone and gonna keep on keeping on.  XO


You will get stronger and stronger.  And, the cravings will become less and less as time goes by, I promise you that!

Happy Hump Day to you!


Mark...NML is a rollercoaster road...embrace the good moments quit, and hang tough in the bad moments...Have a great day...~ Colleen 170 DOF 


You are so wise to take this journey as you need to - one day at a time.  Enjoy the good moments and get through the rest the best that you can.

You are doing GREAT - it may not feel like it - but a good attitude is the best tool and will take you far

Just hang in there!



Continue to stay close to get through this challenging part of your quit.   We here for you, rooting you on and celebrating each milestone.  Hope you have  good day.



We ARE here for you...anyone who has gotten through NML recognizes exactly what you are going through.  I remember finishing NML and being sort of afraid that I would feel less supported once I got through but that did not happen.  I felt stronger and stronger and really began to feel as though I was turning a corner.  It does get easier (((((Mark)))))!  You are doing this!



(((((Ellen))))) thank you so so much!!!!  I couldn’t get through this without the love and support I’m getting at this website.  Thank you for being here.   


(((((Mark))))) it is people like you who keep me here, who keep me coming back and trying to pay it forward, believe me, I got LOTS of much needed support when I quit.  I am so proud of you.



you can and will t through those waves.  We are all here to support you. I promise, as I was promised, that it will and does get easier. Jump up when the strong wave comes and float peacefully in between You are doing great focus on how hard you have tried to quit and how you will protect this quit. I’m not that strong that’s why I know this is my last quit. i cant go through it again. NOPE

Acerca del autor
I have smoked on and off (mostly on) for the last twenty years...quit in 2010 and was successful for 3 1/2 years. Then my husband died in January 2014, so I caved and started up, over 7 years later, I want to be done for good!!!! This quit is IT.