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Given my gung-ho start  like my hair is on fire for quitting smoking, I smoked. I do not say I slipped cause I was on solid footing. I just made a choice and smoked. I will be back again and quit and I hope I have not disappointed anyone more than myself. I just have not re-set my clock.  I am not really prepared to discuss this yet, it is a point of consternation with me right now, I just had to set the record straight because I cannot lie about it.



Hi Lee, thanks for telling us. All that matters is that you examine why you smoked, and prepare to deal with it differently next time. I hope you'll share more when you're ready -- your story may help someone else who is struggling with the same thing. 

Don't beat yourself up too badly. We're not going anywhere -- our arms are open when you're ready to come back! 


I get it.  S.I.G.H.   I know what you're feeling, Lee.  All you can do... is re-committe...... and forge ahead.  Thats it.  Period.  It IS a choice and you made it.  I made it too back in January.  {{hugs}} to you...... and praying you get back on the 'road' to quitting.



There's really only one way to do this Lee & it's gung ho. Do it the same way next time but come here first Buddy.


M n @


I have been there too.  Relapsed at 83 days!  With my tail between my legs, I came back the very next day and talked about it.  I jumped right back on board.  I knew that if I waited I may not ever come back, and that would be my death sentence.

I know how you are feeling.  No one here can judge you or make you feel any worse than you already feel yourself.  I invite you to put the whooping stick away.....come back and join us as FAST as possible.  Examine your triggers.  Here is my blog and the feelings I identified when I relapsed.  Hope this helps you.

My blog Lessons Learned from a Relapse:


Please hurry back!!  We care!!


Please do hurry back......we miss you and want to help you BE one of the 6%!


Quit 7/4/12


Lee - Telling us is the first step. You're human. You're an addict. It's NOT easy. You want to get this monster off your back and you can start again right? We will not berate you. We understand and welcome you back with open arms.


Lee. Shake it off and get your stubborn southern a-- back here. Don't wait and think because you smoked one you may as well smoke a while.  You can't shit a shitter. Reset and start again.  Come on back bro.



We're here when you're ready.

I hope you can work out those inner battles/demons that are blocking your resolve sooner rather than later to take your life back.


You are a good guy Lee and I'm proud that you are a friend here. I am going to pray that you sort things through and come back.


i hope  you come back when you're tired of smoking if you weren't tired of it, you'd already be restarting. your quit.

so when will you get tired of it? A more serious heart attack?

when you can't breathe without an oxygen bottle?

when you can't breathe at all?

it's got control again until you choose to take it back.

and it isn't going to make the first move Lee.


You are stronger than you know - admitting you smoked takes a bigger person - you could have just disappeared and not said a word.  The good news is everyone is here on this site for the same reason - to support and give you strenght - so take your time, reflect, and get back on the horse it can be done!



OK. It's gonna be OK. Remember the time I smoked on day 53? Yeah. Well, I jumped right back on, man. You gotta.

Please do it soon. Actually, now would be best.


Hi Lee.

I'm really sorry (especially for you) to read of this. I know of the disappointment it brings to oneself.

Please don't wait too long to restart---the sooner the better! 

We will be here waiting for your return. 



Hi Lee,

I've been beating myself up, start a day, change my date....

I'm quitting AGAIN tonight (today actually) when I go to bed!

Why don't you join me?!?!


hello,   if you put a clock up, and it is running.......and you take one puff....the clock should be reset............good luck on your journey to quit...jim ohio


Lee I just felt like I got kicked in the stomach! Why didn't you call or blog?? Oh I didn't want wanted to smoke...I totally get it...I feel the same way sometimes...Don't stay away from our love and support...I have loved every moment of our friendship and you know we are all here for a reminder...this is one of my favorite blogs EVER...your words my friend:


I am like a proud parent of my newly hatched "quit." My quit was born on Monday and is now a precarious 4 day old. The birth announcement would look something  like this....

The heart, brain and lungs of Mr. Justsayno are the proud parents of a new quit. Born on Monday, Nov. 26, the quit is doing well. Many well-wishers have posted messages encouraging  the health and longevity of the quit. Some enthusiastic supporters have sent animated cartoons and cute quotes as a showing of  united and steadfast love and encouragement just like proud aunts, uncles and grandparents.

And like any new baby, the reality sets in when you get home from the hospital and it is just you and the baby. The well-wishers have gone home and the in-laws have returned  to their prospective cities and now it is just you and that sweet little newly created "quit" that depends on you for everything. You and you alone are responsible for the care and nurturing of the "quit".  When the quit wakes you up in the middle of the night. It is just you and your "baby."  Survival of the "quit" lies soley on your choices and your resolve to be a good parent. Do you keep your quit healthy and strong, or do you waver and let the quit become weak and in danger or even worse. Do you do the unthinkable and let your precious, sweet newly-created "quit" that you and all the well-wishers were so proud of three days ago, die? Hell No.

You keep your quit strong. You feed your quit with information and fellowship with other "parents" of quits. You  share information and lean on each other for support to keep your quit vibrant and healthy. My quit is just an infant today. But it needs me and this community now, more than ever. Help each other keep your "quit" alive, strong and vibrant so it can grow old and be around for all the adventures life has to offer. 

You can. We can.

A proud parent of a beautiful, healthy "Quit."


You are so valued here...don't beat you up...jump on the freedom train with day one and let us love you back to peaceful!!! xo


I sure am glad to have friends like you all. It is reassuring and comforting that your friends still care even though you make bad choices. I will be back. Soon. I need a couple of days to get my head right and then I am back on the horse. nailed it.

Steelhead...bite me.

Mike@Atl I got you. Understood.

Dale. Soon. Very soon.

Gosh. Everyone. See you soon. Thanks.



Hey, Lee,

Sorry to be so late. I was out of town, but got an email notification that you blogged and read it from my phone. I'm really sorry to hear about your having chosen to smoke. I am sorry I didn't reach out...I noticed your absence, for sure.

We're here. I'm here. And we care. Please let us know when you're ready and give my warm regards to your fam!


Hey, Lee.  Just like Brenda M, I saw your blog a couple of days after you posted it. 

I know what joyeux means about feeling like she just got kicked in the stomach.  It shakes us all up when someone who had a solid quit going does a 180 on themself.  Especially when they do it without making any contact with any of us before they let themself make that choice.  A choice which I have to believe that you are really regretting now.

It is a whack on the side of the head for me because, even though I feel confident in my own Quit, it does remind me that I can never just assume that I'm "cured" of my nicotine addiction.  I guess what I'm saying is, "There, but for the grace of God, go I".

Quit again, Lee.  As soon as possible.  Don't let the addiction get another strong hold over you.  You know you have good friends here who understand and will support you through anything.  I'm one of them.

xxxooo,    Sky 


Awww Lee, I just got wind of this, I hope you come back quickly because this place won't be the same without you. You made the choice, now make the choice to jump back in and come back to your quit. I remember one bad night when I wanted to smoke and you were one of the people who talked me out of it and gave me hope and care. Take care of yourself and show yourself the love you showed me and get back to it!


Hi Lee,

You don't know me..I have just joined. My quit date was Feb. 8th...yes.I was a bear..(literallly) for the first 4 days or so...then it got a little easier. But everyday was a struggle !! Finally , it came to the the point of I wasnt even thinking about , then 9 days ago..a situation came up and "kicked my ass"..I did not smoke for the next 2 days but that weekend I had to  take care of my mother who's caretaker was going out for the day and night. They both smoke..and the cigarettes were there and no one was scold succumbed. I then found myself buying a pack this past Tuesday...well , they are gone..and now I am starting over..and man..this is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life !!!  I have beaten myself up so bad this past's not funny. I quit 7/4/10..(a heart blockages..nothing)..started again..then quit again for 8 mths Feb 8th this quit...but..I am not giving up..going to do it again, hope you come back.there seems to be alot of nice people on here..all dealing with the same issue...the addiction,..and oh..if it helps at all...our President is doubling the tax on cigarettes very very, if I continue...I'll be broke !!!!  🙂  Good luck Lee...again..hope to see you back, I will be on here, Im not getting in the car to go get more....IM DONE !!!!
