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Share your quitting journey

Nicotine Replacement Therapy or Not

0 14 47

As you all know, there are many articles and programs designed to help one quit smoking. Unfortunately, none of them can seem to agree on whether or not it is beneficial to use Nicotine Replacement Therapy (gum, lozenge, patch, etc.). The one time I had success quitting, I used the gum daily but smoked a cigarette the evening I got off it, about 2 1/2 months into my quit. Part of me thinks that I was using the gum just like I would use a cigarette, and never really got used to the idea of being nicotine free. What are your experiences with NRT or lack thereof?

14 Comentarios
Hey Oliver, What is working for me, and it's working quite well, is Wellbutrin coupled with believing what I learned by reading The Easy Way to Quit Smoking, by Allan Carr. Seriously! I quit a few days before you. The 19th. I am really having an easy time of it! Yesterday, approaching day 5, was the first time that the cigarettes started fighting back. Meaning, picking one up entered my mind a few times. A lot actually! But Mr. Carr suggests no gum, lozenges, patches, etc. nicotine is what we're addicted to! Why would we want to stay on it? He also explains what we're experiencing while we go thru our quit. He helped "me" understand what to expect and what it meant. So far I've overcome the urges real easily. REAL easily! Read my blogs. It's all there! But to answer your question....I believe using no nicotine at all is best!
And if you read that book, you might agree! To me, the book is the key!

Dave has also given my opinion on NRTs. But if you decide to use them - it's very important to realize that NRTs are only one tool that can help with the physical aspect of addiction. If you never address the mental aspect - you're sunk! OWN YOUR QUIT! Wellbutrin, Zyban, Chantix, and NRTs can't do it for you - YOU DO IT FOR YOU! The Easy Way as an EXcellent resource. You must change your brain - and that takes constant work feeding your brain life-affirming messages that will literally replace addictive thinking messages. THAT is the key to SUCCESS!



If you can't go cold turkey, try the patches because it seems the other method you tried didn't work. I think that's because you didn't quit smoking - you said you were still having the evening cigarette. That kind of defeats the purpose.

The thing about NRT's, in my opinion, is using them according to directions. There are studies that say NRT's, like the patch, are not that effective, and other studies point out they are effective if people would use them as directed.

It also depends on the person. If you still think it's ok to use NRT's and continue to smoke then you are not serious about quitting. Unless of course it's an NRT, such as Chantix, which instructs to smoke for (I think) two weeks then quit smoking altogether while continuing on the Chantix.

It seems you have yourself psyc'd up to believe it's horribly difficult to quit, like you are going to suffer unbearably. That isn't how it is.

Every day you crave, smoke, crave, smoke.....see what I mean? Whether you smoke or not, you still crave. Do you feel those craves are so terrible that you just can't live through them? Try living through chemo therapy, or COPD. Ever look in the mirror when you smoke?....attractive eh? It looks as stupid as it is. You have to get real with yourself.

You can do this, if you want to. It's a matter of taking control, making up your mind, and do it one way or another.

I linked Kellie's page to one of the other blogs you wrote, and others gave you links to a bunch of helpful sites etc. I can't tell you enough how much Kellie's page will touch you and most likely help strengthen your resolve to quit. Really, go read her main page.The following link is Kellies page.

I posted the following video for you to watch on your other blog. Here it is again.

I am asking that you message me, post or whatever you are comfortable with, that you actually watched the video and read the blog. I want to know what you think about them. ok?

You will be quit when you have had enough of this nasty habit. Anyone can quit smoking, and millions have. So can you, or you wouldn't be here. I wish I could explain it or make you feel it, but only you can make yourself quit.

You can do it, have faith in yourself, and don't give those cigarettes so much power. You have the power to kick them out of your life when ever you want.

Just go for it!



You can do this when you convince yourself you can.  Decide that no matter what you will not smoke.  That is what it takes.  You have to be willing to go through the withdrawal no matter what.



If you use nrts, don't smoke, you could give yourself a heartattack.

I used them becaseu I had to really convince myself I could do life with out a cigartette, the action of having it in my hand and mouth all the time.

someone recommended a pacifier, like the one you give a baby, I bet it is a good way.

I used nrts a long time I didn't want to fail, I had failed two times at a year mark and now I am coming up on 1000 days.

you need to educate yourself alot, tak the initiative to learn, there were some links pointed out to you. check them out.

do a search on google or yahoo and check out smoking cessation.

american heart ass, american cancer soc, lung usa. and check out joel spitzers pod cast on, there are 60 pod cast and they are 10-20 minutes long . listen to at least one a day and learn about addiction.

you can get a copy of allen cars book , there is a link on my page.

I will send you some info shortly.

whatever you do , do not smoke on nrts.

You can do this.


whrit eme and I will help you all ican, just go to my page  by clicking the icon or entering the name in the top right search bar go to the daily pledge groupl, you can get there from mypage.

you can do it, stay close to us.


I think you are right. You never got the idea to get off nicotine.

I used the patch over my frirst two weeks to take the physical edge off

while I learned what my daily, hourly, emotional triggers were.

after two weeks on the patch, I stepped off. That was over 5 years ago.

Not a puff since.


Use an aid knowing that it is a temporary measure that you will get off of in time. I like the patch for this because it was an easy to follow step down plan. If you use the patch, do not smoke with the patch on, as this can give you a nicotine overdose. Pay close attention to how you feel. For some people the 21mg patch can be to strong, and they may have to step down to the 14mg right away. Also, take the patch off at night, as it can cause unusually vivid and disturbing dreams. Go into it with at least some kind of plan. My original plan was to use the patch for about a month, but I was off it in less time than that. In fact, after a couple of weeks you begin to forget to even put the thing on. Your mental focus needs to be on the fact you are quitting, not on the use of the patch. Hope this helps.


I know a friend of a friend who "quit" using nicotine gum. 

He still chews it to this day, 3 years later. He's all proud that he hasn't had a cigarette in 3 years, and yes....good for him. 

But what do you think would happen if you took that gum away????


I read an article somewhere that said many people keep smoking because they are AFRAID of the withdrawals. The artcile then went on to say if the physical addiction was really the problem, then NRT's should logically have a 100% success rate in helping people quit smoking. But they don't. The psychological addiction is the real problem. You need to get a hold of your mind and always remind it of whose in charge. Do not let your mind create FEAR!  Be brave be bold and remember, as far as I know, no one has ever actually DIED of withdrawal which is a very temporary issue. If you need small amounts of NRT to help you while you get control of your old habits and learn who is in charge of your mind, feel free to use them just don't create a psychological NEED for thme in your mind.


Like Jonescarp said, I have had better success these last couple of quits *ahem* using NRT's. I don't know why that is, I guess mentally I believed that I needed the NRT's to be able to handle the quitting process? I used NRT's for three days this time, just the way the box said to, but the patch began to give me some bad physical reactions, so I had to get off it. Even though it was short, I enjoyed those three days of not smoking and having minimal cravings. I was able to get into a better routine and notice how much of my addiction was purely mental. It made getting off all-the-way much easier to manage, since I already knew more about how mentally hooked I was and was better used-to being without the cigarettes. I do know, though, that I could have been just as successful going cold-turkey if I didn't have such a mental block about it. Either way is good, I'd say. Whatever you do, continue to take time to read and educate yourself. My lifesaver was the Allen Carr book. It turned my whole mentality around. Best of luck in whatever you decide!


I wouldn't have defined a "two and a half month quit" as "successful"!


I wouldn't have defined a "two and a half month quit" as "successful"!


@Connie---good thoughts connie---I never actually looked at it that way but that is certainly a logical conclusion........