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Nicotine Patches Do They Actually Work?

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Based on my experience the answer would be, Yes. Ten or twelve years ago I decided to quit smoking after you no longer needed a prescription to buy the patches.

The patches come in 21mg, 14mg, and 7mg versions. The idea is that you use the 21mg dose for 3 months, then drop to the 14mg, for 3 months and then step down to the 7mg for 3 months then just stop the patches all together.

As advised I began with the 21mg patch, replacing it every morning just after I got out of the shower. I'd been using them for about 2 weeks and wondered if they were actually doing anything. At the 2-week mark, I decided to test it and see if I could notice a difference. Rather than replacing the patch when I got out of the shower, I left the old one on and just kept the new one in my shirt pocket in case of an emergency. "I" wasn't particularly aware of it, but those working around me were....since I didn't remove the old one, it was still offering some efficacy as it lost potency. About 3pm, my business partner asked me if I was having a bad day. I told her about my patch test and she assured me....."they had been working", so put a new one on. I did, but being an engineer...everything has to be tested. Rather than putting the new patch on....I cut it in half and put that on, so now I had about 10.5mg to see how that worked.

It ended up working fine, so I began cutting them in half for two weeks....then I decided to see if I could cut them in half again, so I did. Now I was using about 5.5mg and was doing fine....after two weeks at that dosage...I just dropped them altogether.

It seemed for "me", that even the reduced dose relieved the edge you suffer from during the withdrawal process.

I know there are some smoking ceasation sites that are very ANTI any nicotine substitute, patches, gum and probably Chantix, basically belittling those using these substitutes. You won't get any of that from me....I have no problem with anything, anyone can use for a crutch to get away from cigarettes.


Never worked for me, or anyone I know, but that doesn't mean they don't work.  I do not know not one single example of a person successfully quitting smoking long term on patches outside of what I've read online.  But apparently they work for some people or else they wouldn't be such a popular method right?

Everyone has their preconcieved notion of what is the right and wrong way to do things.  Even if this quit sticks to the point of me not having another cigarette for the rest of my life.  It would be pretty arrogant of me to discredit another persons method that worked for them would it not?

I like to think I would conduct myself as a good example and offer encouragement.


I agree completly! I used nicorette gum to end my 2 pack a day addiction. It surely helped me in my quit. I think if you are trying to quit there's several methods to do so. If you find one that works, then great!


oof, you had me until you said you cut the patches in half! once you do that you aren't actually getting "half" of the dose - you really can't be sure what dose you are getting.

I hate the gum and have seen some of the bad side effects from Chantix, but I use the patches myself and am with you on being supportive of whatever works (as long as you use it properly.) 😉 The opinions vary on, but I think many here have used some form of NRT.

thanks for sharing your experiences!


I used Chantix, but only for three weeks (had surgery, so couldn't take it and when I got home, didn't know whether to start over or go on - so just stopped!).  I had no side effects, and I think the help the first three weeks got me over the hump.  Shortly I will celebrate 8 months of freedom.  It was never easy, but it IS doable!


Quit 7/4/12


I used Chantix at half the recommended dose. For me, I just wanted to go ahead and rid myself of the nicotine and get past the chemical withdrawl of the drug. Like Jim said--and it's been true for me, the psycohological part has been the worst part, but even that hasn't been to terrible. I'm going to give you the link to Allen CArr...MY SAVING GRACE!

By all means read this book...It changed my perspective completely!! I had already quit when I read the book, but it made me see my decision to quit in a new light...a light I liked!!


They are designed to deliver a small dose of nicotine to mitigate withdrawal symptoms. In this regard, they "work" every time. It's up to the quitter to do the hard work though, to use NRT as one of many tools to build a successful three-dimensionsal quit. At the end of the day, quitting is about you and your commitment, it's that simple. 

Good luck!  We're here for you! 


You have to make em work.

Keep on keepin on,

M n @