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Share your quitting journey

News from a Neophyte.

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I began this process in mid April 2014.  I have not used any nicotine replacement medications yet, but plan to soon.  I have tracked my cigarettes by wrapping the pack in an 81/2 x 11 piece of paper which I then wrap up with 2 elastic bands, unwrapping and then writing down all cigs, the time smoked, what I was doing, what I was feeling, and how urgent the cigarette on a scale of 1 - 5 with 5 being the highest. ( I have never moked in my house, but have a covered balaconyat the ready which I use and have never smoked in my car so they are not triggers locations.)  What I learned from the cigarette log, is that I will wake up in a brief but oiverwhelming panic which rapidly subsides.  I have managed to postpone my 1st cig. for 1/2 hour after awakening and drinking a whole cup oif coffee without a cig. and doing some chores.  My urges seem to be more emotional in nature than addiction though I am an addict for cigarettes.  I never knew I was a drug addict before because I have a pressing medical problem, yet am still smoking.  I have smoked for 2/3 of my life and have no memory of what it was like to be a non-smoker. When I remember when and where I had my 1st cig, did not cough, looked toward the heavens and said "Thank you God, I was born to smoke"

Other tricks are that I cannot drink very much coffee at all, I hold my cigs and light them in the opposite hand.  It helps to hold something in my hand like a fat pen when I am not smoking.  I have done a 4th step inventory on my smoking, noting that fear was the roiot of my smoking.  I shared it with another human being and am now writing a nightly gratitude list on the modest little victories I do have.  My quit date is mid May 29th, a memorable day since it's my birthday. and becoming an ex would be an appropriate and marvelous gift. 

I also know that I have to do less thinking and learning for more doing.  All comments will be helpful

9 Comentarios

Nancy, You are doing the, don't be afraid to move that quit date up should you find yourself smoking 5 or less cigarettes a day.  I had started moving my first cigarette back for a while, I never smoked with my coffee because I drink my coffee in the house, I have deck but it's uncovered so bad weather made it a real pain in the butt to go outside to smoke.  I also found that I have a much lower tolerance to caffeine now that I am not smoking, you may or may not notice that.  Drink as much water as you can, it really helps to get the nicotine out of your system when you quit.  The physical withdrawal takes a very short time but the emotional withdrawal is a journey and sometimes it's uphill.  I know you can do this, you are an amazing woman, you know how to express yourself, you know how to help others, it's time to treat yourself as someone who needs some help, some attention. Peace.


I nearly wept with joy after reading your blog post! It is thrilling to see a newcomer actually DOING the exercises here AND REPORTING back to us about them. I, too, took the tracking exercise seriously, and used specific tactics (like yours) in order to PRACTICE specific quitting tips before quitting. Keep doing this! You are on the right track!

And don't shy away from experimenting with other simple distractions. Throw in some hot cocoa in the mornings, keep mints at your computer space, spruce up your dining table to make meals special, explore scented candles, check out free DVDs from the library to provide a new after-dinner ritual...any number of things! Play around, sample some things, mix it up so that you can have experience with options before you quit for good.


Hi Nancy! Ditto everything Ellen said. Hooray for you. You sound like you are tackling this thing like a pro. You really sound like you wouldn't need NRT's. they just keep the nicotine in your system and if you quit Cold Turkey it's out in 72 hours! Once you get down to 5 cigs just quit. Try it and see. Just a suggestion. No pressure!!! Whatever works!! This is a tough journey but exciting and almost "fun" in someways -beating the heck out of Nicodemon- Lol. It's rewarding and I'm so glad you are joining us! You won't find a better place to Quit than EX!!!
Yup Ditto everything Storm said too!!! :-))))

Very's to YOU succeeding 

You are one Smart Turkey!!! Keep preparing and READ every single day on the websites The Easy Way And Right here!!! We'll be with you every step of the way!!!

Thank you for all the encouragting words and further advice.  I am very fearful, but trying to redirect that energy into rational action.


Do not be afraid.....even on my worse quit days, it's still not as bad as my imagination thought it would be.....and I've been there before, plenty of times.....that fear is the addiction talking, and the fact that humans usually fear change, the unknown....

Well, keep coming here and reading the blogs, nothing will be are all at different parts of our quits, and share all sorts of feelings, the good, the bad and the will gain strength thru the blogs....

Looking forward to sharing your are preparing to make the best decision of your life....welcome : )


Thank you Cheyenne,

I find you comments to be very healthy and helpful.  Yesterday  I was able to go for 45 minutes  in the am before smoking.  I smoked 3 less cdigarettes than the day before BUT awakened in the middle of the night, couldn't go right back to sleep, got up, had a cig, went back to bed, couldn't sleep, made coffee smoked 2 more cigs THEN to 25 mg. of Benedryl.!  How's that for convolunted thnking and addictive crazy behavior.

However, I did not let it get the best of me, like using it as an excuise to give up.  I Last night I did put 30" bet. a cig and bedtime, and this am was able to do the same.  I have been up for 7 1/2 hrs., and only smoked 4 cigs thus far, and none with coffee.  Smoking without coffee is not nearly as much fun and I'm beginning to question what the point of coffee is except for the first albeit large cfup in the am.  I now smoke using my other hand and other side of my mouth.  I avoid calling cigs a reward or relief, I call them yucky even when I don't quite believe it. 

While there is clearly physical addiction, many of my cigs are triggered by emotions or need to take a break from life at home which will now become breaking life from home. 

Again I am trying to quit without NRT, but will go that route if i do not continue to improve day by dayl.  Again thanks.  Nancy