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New attempting to quit

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Hi everyone,

Just started using the patch this morning, felt a bit nauseous (did I spell that right??) and so far I've smoked 8 cigarettes all day, usually I'd have maybe 12 or so by now.  That doesn't seem like much of an accomplishment, but it is only the first day.  My quit date is March 21st, first day of Spring, new life, new growth, all that jazz kinda goes hand in hand.  Tomorrow I'll smoke less, and keep lessening to the day I'm done! Hopefully this time it works, 3rd times a charm?


Don't smoke while your using the patch ,you could have a heart attack,


Welcome!!!   Congrats on your decsion to quit!! 


I agree, the patch and smoking is dangerous.  Best of luck to you! 


Welcome Terrielle! You found a great group of people... read... blog and get to know everybody...Looking forward to celebrating your success!


Well, I was given the patch by a licensed RN who runs a smoking cessation program at our local hospital. You can smoke with the patch, it won't cause a heart attack, unless you already have issues with your cardiovascular system. But it may cause you to vomit!  I don't have any health issues, healthy as a horse! So far, neither has happened, but the urge is there, even with the patch on. I'm trying not to smoke, trying my best!


use gum, sit on this site and chat with everyone.

Me had to QUIT thinking and chat here and it worked for me. DAY 5 !!!!!!! ( YES )

Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!

Keep coming back!!!!!!!!!



I wish you good luck! This site will help you a lot, whenever I have an urge to smoke I come here and read..


We had a member in her 20's who had a stroke from the patch!  It happens, don't take this risk, get educated about the nicotine addiction and withdrawal and make a plan that doesn't include smoking on the patch.  We care.


I love the patch mainly because I'm AFRAID to smoke with it.  You should never smoke with it...not even right after you take it off. 

Plus, I think you are actually going to make your quit are putting more nicotine into your system, instead of less each day.


Be careful!   Best of luck!


If it sounds like people are jumping all over smoking while using the patch, it's because they care!  I've also heard scary things about it.  Have you thought about using Chantix instead?  I think you can smoke for the first week "safely" while on it. Whatever you decide, congrats on your decision to quit.  The things you do to help prepare for the big quit date will really help your chances!  Welcome!


So dangerous to smoke on the patch.


DO NOT SMOKE WITH THE PATCH ON YOU ARE ASKING FOR A HEART ATTACK.    I quit 10 yrs ago using the patch and wellbutrin, and what worked was that you could not smoke with the patch on as you could die.  If you feel you need to continue to smoke definitely try chantrix.  I started taking the chantix and did not feel like I wanted to stop then overnight middle of week three I stopped smoking at work and only smoked a few at night after work, and now I am on day a 5 smoke free.  Please get better advice, as you can tell this is one great website and those here are in the know.  Trust us, take off the patch if you are still smoking.  Good luck

Mary  Jo


Sorry, but I agree.  You are not to smoke, especially, close to the amount you usually smoke while on the patch.  It's bad enough if you smoke one or two, but as many as you are, it's no wonder you are sick.  One or the other friend, not both.


Terriellle---yes we do all care about you. PLEASE don't smoke with the patch---go back and touch base with the person who told you that you could---perhaps there was a misunderstanding!! You cannot smoke with the patch on.

Also---yes---you did spell nauseous correctly!


Terrielle, I hope you are receiving the above comments with the love in which they are intended.  They repond the way they do because they care....

Wishing you much success with your quit!


Terrielle, You work in a doctor's office. You have surgical assistant training background. Surely there must be someone you know of who can give you face-to-face truthful advice about this issue if you don't believe what these kind people are telling you.

Please, stop smoking or take the patch off then go do your own investigation.

And welcome! is a good place to start.....