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Share your quitting journey

New again

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Hello I am new here and am back again after being quit for 3 days and then smoking for 3 days.  I absolutely hate being chained to smoking!  I do not want to smoke so I am going to try again.  I'm not giving up either!  I had used the patch but now am using the gum only. I think it helps snap the cravings and eases my irritability. I don't want to get addicted to gum either but at this point my focus is on not smoking just for today.  I'm glad to have found this site!!!!!!


Nothing will stop the repetition of smoking until you do. The gum or any other nrt won't stop you thinking of smoking.

If you can separate using the gum from the timing of when you would've smoked it may help you.

this is about unlearning those mental connections to the act or thought of smoking.

IT TAKES TIME and plenty of it.


Greetings, Amy?  Brooke?  Both?  Are you a split personality?  Sounds like the two of you are new to the site so I am sharing with you both the link to Allen Carr's Easy Way To Quit Smoking, which is a great place to start.  I strongly encourage you to read it.  It will give you a lot of insight into nicotine addiction and debunk many of the lies of which smokers convince themselves in order to justify their irrational behavior in order to get their fix.  Once you've read it, go through the preparatory steps here at EX, pick a quit date, commit, and be free!  It's not easy, (sorry Mr. Carr,) but it is possible, especially if you think about quitting in a new way: you are giving up nothing of real value and gaining a healthier, new life of wisdom, greater self-esteem, and insight that will guide you in all aspects of your life.

You have to make the commitment and do the work, but there's a gang of great, generous folk here ready and willing to help nudge, support, encourage and advise as necessary.  Just BLOG when you're ready for some smoke-free lovin'.

Be educated.  Be committed.  Be willing.  Be Free!


Hello! You are willing to quit! Commit, promise yourself you won't smoke no matter what and then just don't Smoking kills! Quitting doesn't. It's uncomfortable but doable! I'm glad you came back!! Keep moving forward!!

Terrie  157  DOF


Good to see you back.  Please take a moment to think about the circumstance that caused you to make a decision to smoke and make a plan for that same circumstance in the future which does not involve smoking.

Have you read the Allen Carr book?  Have you written down both your reasons for quitting and the distraction activities you think will work for you?  If not, please do so and keep those with you.  They will both help if you have a weak moment!



Glad you made it back.


nice to have you can do this..


Welcome back. There are some links on my page one to Carr's book and one on the first weeks of your quit, if you haven't read them please do. The way to a succesful quit is commitment. Commit to no smoking no matter what happens and honor that commitment daily. You can do this.


I am glad that you are back! I encourage you to read SkyGirl's blog Smart Turkey! Before I read this, I felt Cold Turkey was the best way to quit! There is a better way!