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New Year - New Me!

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It's New Years Day. Every year, I make resolutions for myself...and every year I let myself down. This year I am committed, I've written down goals, and I think that quitting smoking is the first step to a healthier, happier me. It's been eating away at me for some time. With little income I can't afford to keep up with the smoking habit, it takes away from time with my kids, I hate how I smell and I'm starting to notice changes in my appearance that I can't stand.

I am a busy-body by nature, but smoking slows me down. I still want to get things done but I am bitter about doing them because I am exhausted all the time. I can't wait to feel more energized!

I'm really hoping that this is the last time I quit smoking. I'm armed with my patches & ready to fight the battle. I know it's going to be a long road ahead...but I know it's going to be worth it!

When things get tough just ask yourself: What do I do instead? Keep them away from your face! Being here really helps! It's all about focusing on the Positives of Smoke FREE living!

I'm quitting today too, so let's help each other! 

This is a great site. Unfortunately, I haven't really internalized some of the tips that people have given me in the past so here I am with another quit date. Don't be like me!

You have great reasons to quit. Realize that the really hard part passes fairly quickly. I'm sure you have struggled through a cold or flu in the past...tackle this with the same attitude. You will feel a bit rough for a few days before starting to feel better and better!

You can do this!


This time around get serious and don't hope you can quit...DECIDE to quit....

The most IMPORTANT thing you can do for your quit now is to educate yourself about the addiction and the mind games it plays on us....READ,READ,READ for a successful quit...the more you read, the EASIER it is...


CHOOSE to quit smoking, not TRY. Educate yourself by reading these links that most of us have used to help us quit and STAY quit! This is about making a DECISION to never put another cigarette in your mouth, mean it, and be committed to follow through on that decision. Also allow NO excuses AND hang in there for as long as it takes, no matter how uncomfortable you become.... This is about re-learning your life WITHOUT cigarettes....start changing your "normal" routine....because a smoker's routine revolves around cigarettes. You will be a nonsmoker so change how you start your morning so it doesn't revolve around cigarette breaks, etc. You CAN do this! ....


Allan Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking -