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New Plan....aka...Plan B

0 6 10 the gum didn't help, the patch didn't help....the lozenges I can't stand.....and cold turkey....well lets just say my husband would divorce me if I went cold on to Plan B...Chantix.....I will start taking the Chantix on October 7th....and I will work with my doctor to figure out a plan and a quit date.....A friend of mine also recommeded that I call or email everyone I know and tell them that I am quitting and what my quit date that I will have to be accountable.....I hate cigarettes with a passion, and I hate that I'm addicted....So I'm gonna keep on quitting.....On another note....I was doing some research and I read that for women it is better for them to quit smoking during the first half of there menstral cycle, that studies showed they would be more likely to be sucessful if they did it then as opposed to the end of the cycle, do to it being the same time PMS onsets.....I didn't write down the website I read it from, but has anyone ever heard that?? I'm going to have to make a note to ask my doctor about that.

more animals Sometimes we just have to change our plan of attack. I'll be routin for you!
Thank you becky....I really want to do this....I want to quit so bad...I appreciate all the support on here
It sounds like you definitely have more of a mental issue with starting a Quit than the physical issues... if you're on the patch, you're probably getting as much if not more nicotine in 24 hours than you were smoking. If you couldn't stay Quit then, that says it's not your body's lack of nicotine that's the problem (since you're NOT for lack of that) but your brain saying "I want to be smoking". Chantix sounds like it's going to be better for you in that regard since it's not "just" a nicotine replacement source.

I'm proud of you for continuing to try to quit! 🙂 Don't beat yourself up too much, this isn't an easy process for you or for any of us. Just remember that you're stronger than you think you are, and you never "need" that next cigarette! If you fight the cravings, you CAN and WILL move past them. Take it one nic-fit at a time and you can do it!
Dave is right. You probably do have more of a problem with the addictive behavior than the nicotine. It depends on how much you smoked to begin with. But, you are stronger than you think you are and each time you get through a crave, you add to your strength. Keep your thoughts on the positive aspects of quitting too. Attitude makes a big difference. Tell yourself that SMOKING IS NOT AN OPTION!!! In fact, post it on your mirror, or somewhere you can see it often. You should be PROUD of yourself for keep trying to do this!! Try to remember, everything worthwhile in life takes a lot of hard work.....your life is worth all this work and effort!! You Can Do This!!! And.....we are here for you.
I agree with Dave & becky! STAY STRONG Plan B will work for you!! Remember to go back to the main program page and work the program, enter your new quit date when you set it and get yourself set up for the SUCCESS you know is in your future!! You deserve this, you deserve to be happy and healthy, free from addiction! I personally know you have to do what works for you and my Plan B worked...Hats off to your Plan B!!! I like what Dave said, "Take it one nic-fit at a time"
Thinking of you, Many Blessings!
Do the chantix plan. It helped me..... It helped me for a long time...Dont stop trying.. EVER. My plan c was cold turkey which has worked for me for I have quit for 3 Weeks, 1 Day, 16 hours, 12 minutes and 20 seconds (22days). I have saved $113.37 by not smoking 453 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Day, 13 hours and 45 minutes of my life. My 9/11/2008 12:00 AM-(Just learned how to do that 😄 Wee)
Anyhoo-My husband doesnt want me to smoke and just has to deal if he wants to stay married.....That his responsility to take care of himself too during this time. We will be celebrating 18 years here shortly-By the grace of God. We have been thru a lot. His mom has lung cancer right now. So you know... He knows. It is hard but can be done.
Yes it can. Keep on keeping on.