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Share your quitting journey

New Hobby

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Hi evryone. I have been thinking about what I could do as a hobby to help in my quit. Well I'm at 54 days today at it and going full force ahead. No stopping this crazy woman on the hill. ha ha. I discovered that my quit is my new hobby.YUP that's it.... I have soooo much to do to keep this new hobby of mine going strong. This new adventure has taken all of my time,my attention,my daily routine's,etc. My hobby has come to me in my sleep,my thought's,my desire's!!!! It truly has been the most demanding hobby I have ever had!!! But I know that this is the only hobby that can turn my life completely around. my health depends on this new hobby. I feel awesome most days fulfilling this new hobby,some days it get's very tiring and consumes alot of my time and  thoughts. I needed this new hobby in my life. I hope all of you can keep your new hobby going strong. I deserve this and so do all of you. Do whatever it takes to trick that addictive mind.I'm doing everything I possibly can to keep this quit and my new hobby going forward. I read,read as much of your blog's as I can each day. they all add to my new discovery of this new hobby. Try it!!!! It's working for me!!!! Peace is within my friends. Deborah.....

12 Comentarios

Hi Deborah!  That is so productive.  I love it.  Use your God given creativity to perfect your quit to your own uniqueness. Whatever works to keep us Tobacco-free.  You go girl! 

Great blog!!! Congrats on your healthy happy new hobby!!! 🙂

I agree with Barbara!! YOU are sooo unique that YOU have put it to work in  MY quit as well as yours. Deborah, keep up the good work and the good THINKING!!

Love ya!!

Candy       17      DOF


What a neat concept this is!  A hobby for life. 


Whaty an original idea - cool!



Right on my friend. Way to go .


great blog ,love reading blogs too!!!


Just adore you, in 8 days I might just take up that hobby! Keep up the good work.


Brilliant, Deborah! So very on target for so many of us.


It really is a great way to think about the effort we're putting into our forever quits.  I imagine that those who never had this addiction think that it's just about not smoking another cigarette and moving on.  But we know that it is a fully engaging undertaking.  We deal with the physical aspects of our addiction as well as the psychological ties.  We have wonderful easy days and horrible grueling days, especially in the beginning.  You hit the nail on the head when you said that this is how we spend our days, and that sure helps it qualify as a hobby!  Thanks, Deborah.


That's a fantastic outlook and approach. Best hobby ever. You're rocking it and I'm real proud of and happy for you.


Good going, Deb!  Keep it up!  

When I had about 20 days in my quit, I started worrying about all the rest of the health habits I need to change. (That's so me!  If a little change is good, a lot must be better 😉

Another member here suggested that I should focus only on my quit for a while longer and I now feel like she was right.  I don't need to put so much pressure on myself that I get discouraged and say "WTH...go have a cigarette." 

I have switched to 1/2 caff coffee and have been surprised to find that I actually can survive without massive daily doses of caffeine. Another smoke-free month from now I will reevaluate and see what else I can change to feel better.

53 days 23 hours 7 min