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Share your quitting journey

New Ex-smoker

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Good Morning All,

I am 4 days into my quit and feeling pretty good, although the insomnia is getting to me.  I have 3 stikes against me, menopause, nictonine withdrawal, and Wellbutrin.  Despite this, this time it's for real as I am totally commited to the task at hand.  I started smoking when I was 13, took a break in my 20's, starting smoking again, now I am 51.  I am learning what is like to have freedom from smoking. 

Y'all have a great day.


Well now thats an ugly concoction isn't it.  Good thing is at day 4 the nicotine is out of your system.  It is out of your system in (72) hours (3) days.  Now is when the hand to mouth function needs to be replaced with something else thats healthy.  An elder will be along with links for suggested reading, education for this addiction that we all have IS A MUST!  Once educated you will find what is the best way to face and conquor this addiction.  As for the menopause, Oh God my heart goes out to you!!!  Been there, done that, got the tee shirt! 8(


368 DOF

Thank God I went thru that change so early I didn't even really know WTH was going on! Lol. I put in my time cause I started way early too (10 yrs old OMG) Sorry TMI guys. Anyway like you I started smoking too young too- at 13. We are lucky to still be here and hopefully you are still healthy? Let's not tempt fate now. Let's quit for good. (I've flopped several times but am doing much better this time with a small amount of nicotine gum). Congrats on Day 4. That's huge! I'm just a little ahead at Day 15.

Welcome.  Please click on jonescarp aka dale's link and read up on what to expect the first four months.  It will really open your eyes and mind on how to make this your forever quit.  I quit 14 months ago at 50 right in the middle of menopause and guess what, I survived and you will too.  I feel so much better, I smell better, I can walk and not get out of breath and I have extra cash in my wallet all the time!!  Keep stacking those days and remember, N.O.P.E.(not one puff ever)


I actually used wellbutrin as a way to help me quit. I've been quit for 32 days. Good luck and READ READ READ! I wouldn't have made it this far without this site!!


Day 4 - all right!  The insomnia will pass.  The cravings will pass.  The bad stuff will pass.  And then it will come back and then it will pass again.  It's an ongoing journey and a fantastic rite of passage to freedom.  You will discover amazing strengths and abilities.  Courage!


Welcome and congrats on your quit! You are doing this! I also took Welbutrin....I quit after smoking 40 years! That was over 4 years ago! Stick around! 


I had been on wellbutrin and I stayed on it through my quit, I am still on's actually supposed to help with the withdrawal.  I had been on it for years so I don't know if it helped or not.  I also went through menopause when I was about your age and my daughter was getting her first period...the term raging hormones took on a whole new meaning in this house, LOL.

You can do this...I smoked for 47 years on and off (mostly on) and I have not had a cigarette for 298 days now...every day it gets easier and it gets better.  I am a happy quitter and when I first heard that expression I am pretty sure I rolled my eyes...I did not think it was possible.  It IS.  The insomnia WILL pass, you will find that every day gets better, one day at a time.

Welcome to EX and your new family.


Wellbutrin should help you quit. So, that's good news. Congrats on day 4. Wtg. Keep going one day at a time.