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Share your quitting journey

Never thought I'd see the day

1 11 24

Last night my wife and I had one of those clear-the-air discussions that got pretty heated at times. Lots of stuff that had been swept under the carpet for the past few months needed to get sorted out. We talked and sometimes argued heatedly all evening, for three or four hours. At times it was emtional and both of us had some soul searching to do. Through it all, I wasn't even tempted to smoke, even when she excused herself to "go outside".

This feels like a huge milestone for me. I had always feared an arguement with her would be the "one that did me in" quitwise because conflict makes me very anxious and normally we would chain smoke through an episode like last night, even though neirther of us are/were chain smokers.

 I've been listening to Allen Carr's book on tape which I strongly recommend. Learning about why we smoke and how we fool ourselves into thinking we need to smoke I think really helped me last night. 

Hope everyone's having a great Tuesday!

11 Comentarios


The more we learn .. the more we know.  As we pass though each experience without smoking, we start to learn that we don't have to smoke.... we only thought we did.  It is such a great feeling to start to have the smoke clear and the truth starts to show.  It helps us through all the other memories.

Great Job!


Congratulations on your milestone.  I know it meant a lot to get through this one life crisis with out smoking.  Be prepared there are more to come because life goes on even if we quit smoking. We just have to learn how to channel those emotions.


Arguing with my roomate always tempts me to smoke but we argue a lot so i am getting used to that stress without smoking it is getting easier I usually just vebalize my feeling s about it in a loud voice " I am going to smoke one of YOUR cigarettes !!!!!!!" That ends my temptation !  I am actually getting so good I think i now only have to think it ! hahahaha !


That's an important milestone, Geronimo.  I firmly believe that every big former trigger we get through means that one is pretty powerless going forward.  At least that's been my experience.  I also found Allen Carr to be life changing because even though I thought I would never quit, he taught me that smoking is an illusion and now that I know that I cannot make a choice to smoke!  You're doing great!!


Great Job! Each one we go through gets easier! I also use Allen Carr's Book. I also watched "the Only Way" video on u tube. It hepled me too.WTG!

Terrie  36  DOF


This absolutely IS a huge milestone, congratulations!


So proud of you!  You are a very welcome new voice with a great perspective.  I like how you process your experiences and see them for what they are......another trigger trying to trip you up!  But you don't do that anymore!  Keep sharing, your blogs strengthen my quit!



The journey continues


How AWESOME!!! That is so great!  Keep it going!


Omg so ,so proud of you , not smoking in that setting is a huge accomplishment. You are truly committed to your quit . High five !!!