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Share your quitting journey

Needed to see this, as I'm just starting out in my first chapter.

0 9 35


That is the beauty of this group - we are all on different chapters here.  Sometimes you can learn from people way ahead of you in your journey and other times not so much.  This quit is yours and yours alone - never compare yourself to anyone - because we are all unique in our own special way.  Best wishes to you in your journey!


There is a saying here, "Take what you need and leave the rest."

Do read and take in all the wisdom represented by the successful elders and wise ones, but apply it only as needed for YOUR quit.  On the other hand, don't believe you already know it all - because you can't possibly.

You CAN do this.  Be sure to ask questions when you have them and for support when you need it.  W!e will help in any way we can.



It's true, this is YOUR quit but there are some things that people here have experienced that can make your quit go more smoothly if you choose to listen.

My husband has been sober for almost 30 years and he went to AA meetings pretty much constantly at the beginning of his journey.  One sponsor, who had been in the program for a very long time, listened to him and why he felt the program would not work for him.  After my husband finished giving him his excuses, the man sat back and said, "Oh, I understand, you suffer from terminal uniqueness."  He went on to explain that those who feel their addiction is not like anyone else's addiction are going to fight everything that people say.  Please have an open mind and listen to the elders, they can tell you what you might expect and what MIGHT make it easier.  We all need all the help we can get!

Best, Ellen



Tell it like you see it!

I just wanted to say I didn't mean I shouldn't listen to elders advice. That wouldn't be very smart at all. All I seen when I seen this was that I'm at the start . Not fat down the road and I shouldn't be wigging out on myself for noy handling things like a seasoned vet. Lol

Don't be hard on yourself, whether a "seasoned vet" or fresh on your journey.  I learned just a short time ago that even near a year into my quit I still needed the wisdom of my EX friends to help me through some rough waters.  

There is no comparison.  This is YOUR journey.  We are all here to watch you launch your ship and support you through the stormy seas and smile with you through the calm waters.  Congratulations on your launch.  


Great Advice!


Comparisons are only useful if they build us up and make us strive to be the best we can be, not if they tear us down.  (I totally 'got' what meant by it.)