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I was supposed to quit smoking yesterday. Had 5 cigarettes and today had 2. My daughter took my cigarettes so I wouldn't be tempted. Please help with all the support. I really need it. Taking anexity pills to try to help. Any suggestions would help. Thank You.




have you made changes  in your patterns prior to yesterday?


Go back to the responses to your first blog because you had lots of great ideas! Do you really want to quit or are you doing this for someone else!!

Ditto! Do your homework! It's much harder than changing a bad habit ( which is challenging enough ) this is an Addiction! Watch an episode of Intervention on TV - that's YOU!

Hi Cob, go to the bottom of this page and click on your blog from 15 days ago called Help with habit, and follow all of the directions and great advice that was given to you! We'll help...keep reading and NEVER keep ashtrays, lighters or ANY cigarettes around...wet the rest down or flush them down the toilet where they belong!

The most IMPORTANT thing you can do for your quit now is to educate yourself about the addiction and the mind games it plays on us....READ,READ,READ for a successful quit...the more you read, the EASIER it is...


CHOOSE to quit smoking, not TRY. Educate yourself by reading these links that most of us have used to help us quit and STAY quit! This is about making a DECISION to never put another cigarette in your mouth, mean it, and be committed to follow through on that decision. Also allow NO excuses AND hang in there for as long as it takes, no matter how uncomfortable you become.... This is about re-learning your life WITHOUT cigarettes....start changing your "normal" routine....because a smoker's routine revolves around cigarettes. You will be a nonsmoker so change how you start your morning so it doesn't revolve around cigarette breaks, etc. You CAN do this! ....


Allan Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking -       Also, use these coping methods...

Stay close to this site and remember NOPE=Not One Puff Ever...and as long as you stick to this ONE SIMPLE rule, you will the meantime, drink plenty of fresh cold water to rid your body of the toxins,6 smaller, nutritious meals throughout the day to keep your blood-sugar levels steady, (don't diet!)......and it will keep your blood sugar level and the low blood sugar induced fogginess and craves away.


....take big arm STRETCHES as often as needed to relax tense muscles and most importantly, take big DEEP BREATHS TO RELAX AND RELIEVE anger... take a nap, take walks, stay buzy with something you LIKE and brush you teeth immediately after each meal...stick your head in the freezer and DEEP BREATHE....If you bite into a lemon, the smoking thought will be gone instantly...try it, it works, also suck on sugarfree hard candy or lollipops and one of my friends here says be sure to use the Halls mentholyptus cough drops......Be prepared in advance for it,not surprised by it...Smoking thoughts only have power when you have fear. Face it head on and do not try to run or hide. You have the strength and power to tell it NO...You have the CHOICE to tell it NO. Each time you get a smoking urge, immediately DISTRACT yourself and kick the thought out of your head!!!


I agree, do your reading, get your distractions to a crave ready, have plenty of water and drink it to replenish your body, add some jucie to keep you sugar level up. Have you made your commitment of no smoking for any reason.  This is an addiction and will power is not the way to quit, it is commitment to smoking is not an option no matter what. Stay close to EX, listen and heed the advice given.  The EXperts know how to quit, they have been there. 


Peggy.........I found that smoking actually CAUSED my anxiety. Who would have guessed? I' m 115 days quit,  and my nerves and anxiety levels are better than ever. I' llll bet that after a while of non- smoking, you find that you don' t even need the pills. Good luck to you and I' m wishing you much success in the future.


Hi Peggy -- it sounds like you're hoping to quit but don't really have a plan. Read Nancy's response again, and really take it to heart. Quitting smoking is a skill you have to learn -- there is no luck or hope involved. Do the readings, make a plan, and stick to it!  We are here to support you! 



It is true that the smoking is actually causing the anxiety. Everyone here has given you excellent advice. Especially reading Allen Carrs book. That really helped me a ton. Because it really is true that nicotine leaves your body pretty quickly. I used cranberry juice to help flush it out because of it's acidic properties.

Reality is that the physical entrapment isn't nearly as strong as the mental entrapment. I have had great support. A friend of mone brought me back to a saying i learned in AA long ago. one Day at a Time. I realized that one day was successful when I found it one day at a time. Then the next day was just piled on top of the other and so on and so forth.

I cleaned my house of all things smoking and just sedated my urges with Ludens cough drops. Which alsio helped when I developed that smokers quit dry hacking cough. Really i was just retraining my brain from all the brainwashing I had allowed that told me things were better with a cigarette.

Reality is that nothing is better with a cigareete. It didn't add any more pleasure to an event, it didn't relieve any stress, the stress came anyway regardless and it in no way enhanced any moment of my life. When I started realizing thatI wasn't sacrificing but rather giving up something it was easier. Just like friends that drop off in your life, or hobbies that you abandon, or foods you no longer eat whatever it is. There is honor in giving up.

Be strong, thank yoru daughter and get back on the horse.



when you quit smoking, you don't have any cigarettes anymore. destroy them.


Use an NRT such as the Patch or gum or logenzes.


I truely meant it when I said that I was committed to quit in 2013, but after 22 days, I caved in to that cigarette.  I thought that I had researced and had all the tools that I needed to succeed this time, but I was wrong.  The best tool that I found (and I found it yesterday, thanks to this site) is at  It is definately worth the small donation.  Never give up!  You are never a failure if you just continue to use the support and tools that are given to you by people like you who have been there.  Get back up and keep on keeping on!  You are worth it!


It's all posted above for you. I would also suggest making a list of why you want to quit and refer to it often. Now it's time to get to work on taking back your life! It's up to you!