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Ok, I joined this site a while back hoping to quit. I got myself a personal trainer and lost 35 pounds and told myself when I got to a certain weight that I would quit smoking. So here I am, discovered my blood pressure is high and refuse to get on medication. I think if I quit, my pressure will go down. Anyone know this. I need support on this site because of the fact that I'm a closet smoker, I have no support because not too many people know that I smoke!! Help... Think I will try the tapering off method. I know I smoke out of boredom and I'm more of a scheduled smoker... three in morning with coffee before I go to work, go to gym after work, then come home and have five or six before bed.....
Hello, closet case, first off CONGRATS on loosing 35 pounds. its actually good that you started working out already, before you quit smoking,. because you will. i used to think that i was hidng smoknig from certain people in my life, but do you know how bad ciggarettes stink!!? i didnt either until i quit a month a 13 days ago. but let me tell you, someone knows that you smoke. but thats ok, because you are soon to be an ex! u must set a date, know that this will be your date. have that last and final ciggarette and know that when you take that last puff, that it surely will be your last. YOU must be ready to quit. and think of it this way, you wont be as winded while exercising. have you heard or read Allen Carrs " easy way to quit smoking" its a good book to read before you quit. i believe the best way is to do it cold turkey.dont introduce anymore nicotine into your body, since this is what you want out! I did it cold Turkey and im not going to say it hasnt been easy or that i didnt feel like i was going to die if i didng have just one more. but i didn't and neither will you. Congrats in advance!
Thanks Ree ... I needed to hear all of this. I will look at calendar and decide which day is best for me. They say don't do it around your will surely kill I do have Allen Carrs' book. I need to pull it out again and read it. It seemed like a really good book and basically you control your mind... Thanks...
As you make your journey.... it helps to be on here and ask all the questions you have , there is alot of support here. I am now at 64 days. And you are so right it is basically a mind control thing after you get the nicotine out of your system, read and learn all you can about tobacco and nicotine addiction., It was like I had been brainwashed for the 35 years I smoked and now I am free... I know the truth.
No, no, no. Tapering off does not work. You will find out after reading Allen Carr that it just keeps you in constant withdrawal. The best thing about his book is that you can continue to smoke while reading. What I did was pick a Monday morn for my quit date. Since I don't smoke at work Mond is best for me. I read 1/2 the book on Sat and the other 1/2 on Sunday. When I finished the book I was ready to quit. Good luck!! With the book and this site you will make it!
After I quit my blood pressure dropped 20 points. My dr said if I lose 12 pounds that it would be normal. That's what I'm working on now. As for picking a day, don't make it too far out or you'll start to get scared. You'll never have a perfect day so just pick one. I just decided one day that when I smoked the last cigarette in the pack I had that I was done.
While I was reading Allen Carr's book, I decided, then, that I wasn't going to buy any more cigarettes. I had 2 packs at that time. I had a half pack left when I finished the book, after two days. I smoked the rest and never bought or smoked another cigarette. It will be 3 months next Saturday. I wouldn't say it's been as easy as the book claims, but it was way easier than every other time I tried to quit. I never realized how many of my withdrawal symptoms were self inflicted by my brainwashed mind.