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Need help getting back on track!!!

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OK  I don't know where to start.  I found this site and did GREAT for 6 wonderful days.  I don't understand why I messed up.  Because I was so proud of myself.  Now I keep changing my quit date and they come and go.  I can't seem to get started again.  I have tried to quit more times than I can count.  Feeling really down on myself for messing the last time up and not being able to start again.  Do most of you go cold turkey?  Anyone have any advice on how to get back on track? 


some go cold turkey, some use nicotine replacement , all of us struggle with QUITTING.    ADVICE 4 GETTIN BAX ON TRAX: DO IT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, LIKE NOW.   QUIT RITE NOW.....DO NOT LET NICO DEMON LIE TO YOU.............JUST DO IT




Hang in there!!!! I am at 289 days quit today... I don't visit the site as often as I did, but a year ago I was here every day.....more than once....It was my lifeline. A year ago at this time I was stressing over my upcoming quit. I was committed, but kept moving that date. I ended up picking the end of July, but then I was ready early, on July 7th...I have not looked back. I am a non smoker, I will never return to that life.

I can even SING better now, let alone breathe. I get angry I waited so long. I quit cold turkey. I am not against replacements at all, I just wanted it out of my system as quick as possible. I will be honest and say I had a rough first few weeks, but I made it through. Most of that was psychological.

Here are things that I learned here that helped me. I read "the book" I even bought his book "the easy way for women to quit smoking". I carried the book with me for a few months. I cut plastic straws the length of "you know" and used them when I needed to. In the car, even one time at a wedding when I went outside to "grab a straw" . I enhaled my straw with fresh clean air....but it got me through. In the beginning for a few weeks, I allowed myself "me" time whenever the craving hit..I took the time that I would have taken to smoke to close my eyes and think about positive thoughts instead...It worked wonders and the urge would pass.

Don't dwell on the date. Prepare, do the exersises provided, and visit here everyday...You can totally do this. After I quit, I never thought I would have a day where I didn't think about it, crave it. The people here convinced me it would happen. I can assure you it did.... I rarely think about it anymore. When I do, the sense of pride in keeping my quit trumps any urge that will come my way. I have also suffered through two close deaths in the family and I made it...the straws work.


 When I finally quit smoking last July (it was not my first rodeo). I could not see myself as a non smoker, not permanately anyway. It didn't make sense. It felt like a part of me. I didn't want it anymore, but I was afraid to lose it in a weird way.

The second and third week were the worst for me, that might be why you had a tough time on the sixth day. It is a sense of pride, and fear that maybe you really can give it up when your brain wants to keep it.

What I learned to do from the knowledgeable ones here, is to not think long term. I told myself " I will not smoke today, I might tomorrow, but today I will not". I said it everyday and everyday I did not smoke. I did not allow myself to think about my vacation in October, or Christmas etc. because it would put me in a state of frustration over not being able to smoke. I literally took it day by day.


I am on my third day and it turned out to be the toughist for me so far, this is a great site for support I don't think I would have made it this far without the support of total strangers just wanting to help and giving their support. I say get back on track, stop and figure out your triggers, I used to smoke in my garage and in my car, first I stopped smoking in the car and then gave up my hiding spot in the garage I was only hidding from myself anyway. I downloaded a few things and posted them on the fridge at home here is one of them

I recommend that you print it out and read it over and over. Break free of Nicotine and start living free of the NicoDemon. I won't lie its hard but we can do this after all we did it to ourselfs. try and remember the first time you smoked and how awful it was but we kept on smoking because it was so cool? Well smoking isn't cool anymore it just kills us slowly very slowly. also try starting your day here and ending it here, it helps.


you are just realizing how addiction strong your is... dont give is the withdraws that are preventing you from sticking to your quit date.... you will have to overcome this... i used patches to get through this may want to look into it.. physical withdraws are no joke.. they are real


Oh god, how I remember being where you are....I remember not being able to get restarted again.....but then I did, and you will too....

Take the time to prepare....and the quit will become more real, and you will commit to it better that way....

Listen to the experienced people the links....and just stay close to this site....

Quitting is a roller coaster, but it's worth the ride to get to the other side....

I quit cold turkey btw....I just wanted it out of my system, and I also feared that I would smoke and use replacements at the same time, plus I was worried that I might react to them.....that's me.....many people here have used them thou....

Hope this helps : )


Your back - that means something!!!!  You are at least trying to get back on track!!


Ms "J"


Thank you everyone!!!  I am more determined than ever with all the advice.  Will let you know how I am doing.  Because I AM going to beat this!!


I couldnt have done it without Patches and gum.  I recommend you watch the videos by Dr Hurt on this site.