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NRT or not NRT that is the question

0 19 79

Morning all, well here I am, again.  I have an NRT here, it's the Nicotrol Inhaler.  I so don't want to use an NRT, but these past fails are more than I can bear and I want to be done.  For now I'm checking in, smoked my last cigarette at 7:00 last night and have not used the inhaler.  I hate finding myself in that flight or fight pattern, so I guess here it is, just in case. 


You can do this!  It seems anxiety about the nrt slips people up.  What worked for me after a week on the patch was going cold turkey because I couldn't stand the withdrawal in the morning and waiting 30 minutes for the patch to kick in.

Opinions on here vary wildly so just picking a path (nrt or not) is the best path.


Morning Eric, I would tend to agree with that.  I'd rather just get the  poison out of my system. 

Thank you  🙂


welcome back friend. So great to see you back to start your forever quit.



Thank you my dear friend, I treasure your support and guidance


Good Morning Frannie, I am so glad to see you.  I used the Nicotrol inhaler when I quit but never anywhere near what the instructions said you can use.  I would only use it when the crave was strong as I didn't want to get hooked on it.  I had failed so many times I was determined not quit for good. I had tried the patch, the gum and neither worked for me and I haddn't commited to quiting within myself.  You can do this and we will hold your hand all the way on your journey to Freedom.



Welcome back!  Congrats on quitting smoking again.  If your failed attempts were without NRT's then maybe NRT's are necessary for you. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.  when you go to bed tonight you can say Day one.....WON.  Take good care of yourself.   


I have no experience with NRT's, I did have a couple of people suggest that I use the patch after I had been quit for a couple of weeks and I was feeling some craves but that seemed ridiculous to me to RE-introduce nicotine so I just kept putting one foot in front of the other. SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU HERE THIS MORNING!


Yay!!  You are back!  congratulations.  So good to hear from you again.  I'm still floundering - but happy for you!  You can do this

Love & Hugs to  you


Barbara, that hits the nail on the head.

Hello my Ellen, you know I've been reading your blogs and keeping up on your issues my brave friend.

Betty, ah, another hero of mine...  🙂

Rosemary, come on, stop floundering and come join me/us!  Love and hugs to you too 🙂


Hi I don't think we've "met" yet. I find that I need NRT's for @ least the 1st couple of mo. For 1 thing, with the patch on I am less likely to cheat. The NRT's do take the edge off even though I still had a very rough couple of weeks. I don't think the pride should be about whether you go  cold turkey or not. It should come from each day of not putting the poison in your body.



Connie, of course we know each other.  May be because I changed my Avatar.  Well, heading onto 11:00, so far so good.  If I need it, I'll use it. 


Not a big fan of nrt myself , but everyone is different I suppose.

Courage I want to see you become a member of the 6% club , I know you can do it .Are you in ? 


Sparky, there's nothing I want more either, I'm in, just a baby in this quit again. 


Courage- I used the NRT patch

Followed the instructions on the back of the box and went down to 7mg and quit and kept going forward!!! And am now at 790 days of freedom!! It took the edge off,  I had the vivid dreams and couldn't sleep some times, it all takes time!!! But is so worth it-It does get better -I Promise!!

Great to see you back!! Keep going forward!! You can do this



I did NRT for a couple days and decided to be done with it.   More importantly though, I was well prepared going into this quit, and had already decided that this was it for me.  No more bargaining for "just one" cigarette. No more excuses.  It had to be  NOPE as we say:  Not One Puff Ever.  I had also created a list of all the reasons why I wanted to quit; I had a list of my triggers and what I would do in those situations when faced with them.  I also did the online "" training.  I checked in here daily, and I stayed busy. Celebrate your successes no matter how big or how small.  Best wishes.


Sorry, it was that I attended. It was very good, and free when I took it.  I assume it still is.


Hi Fannie, I'm very glad to meet you. I was on the site years ago, successfully quit and then did a stupid thing. So now am back on day 56 or so, I keep forgetting to look at my counter. I used Chantix, but not nearly as long as was the suggested use. It worked for me and the side effects were manageable. Don't know how to assist on the NRT question but am happy to see you here. There's lots of wisdom available as you know.


Can't help with the nrt thing. I am glad to see you here. I think you were here when I first started. At any rate you can do this! Stay close to this site, that's what helps me the most!

Congratulations on your choice!

Terrie  70  DOF


I can only advise you use the inhaler as it was instructed. If you just use it on occasion it may work the opposite and make you crave too much in between . I used the patch like Mag did and now I am at 218 days  ! After many failed quits in the past I am finally making it one day at a time !

About the Author
Gone but Not Forgotten. RIP - they leave a legacy of their quit journeys behind as road maps for future members, to prevent the pitfalls, provide the tools and show the hope and possibilities for success at overcoming this addiction at any age at any stage. Quit March 16th. 52 years old, smoked 2 packs a day for 40 years, enough said. Day 124, July 18 I smoked a cigarette and continued to smoke (because there is no such thing as just one) until Sunday, November 2, 2014. April 24, 2015 I'm editing the above. Certainly did not quit back in November and I'm 53 now. Boy, time sure flies... There's nothing worse than being a smoker who wants nothing more than to quit. Okay, so now it's over a year, but I will do this starting today, August 17, 2015. Out of the darkness and into the light.... Needed to update this, quit as of September 14, 2015. Anyone contemplating losing their quit, just follow this time line, it's taken me over a year to take back my freedom when I thought it was going to be so easy to take it back before. Don't make that mistake. Wish I had a counter, but as I write this it is September 24, 2015, I'm in the baby stages of my quit. Day one again, September 28, 2015