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Good morning all!  Well, I sure learned my lesson about smoking and ruining a good quit.  These last nine days have been so much rougher than they needed to be.  I've been staying away from beer, which is helpful.  But the nicodemon tells me if I smoked once, why not do it again?  And sometimes I even have crazy thoughts of giving up on my quit.  But then when I walk Fred in the morning, the morning smells are so sweet! And it's so nice to be able to watch a whole baseball game without missing innings to go smoke on the front porch!  And I have no cough and no chest pains anymore.  Yesterday, I even got my teeth cleaned--something I have really been looking forward to.  My family and my EX-friends would be so disappointed if I smoked again...that helps me stay on the straight and narrow.  In trying to adjust my attitude,  I am thinking about Allen Carr's book and about how I can't seem to get myself out of the willpower method--the thinking that I am giving something up that I want. I think that's part of what messed me up last time.  I have to remind myself, too, that if I have cravings now, smoking only makes them worse and more frequent--the craving is never satisfied when we smoke.  An important reminder that smoking causes the cravings--it doesn't satisfy them.  N.O.P.E!  N.O.P.E! N.O.P.E!


Good for you !!!  I have quit since July 14th 2011. I'm so very proud of me and my husband also ! Stay close to this site, ask for help when you need it. Take on one craving, trigger at a time. They will get weaker, and futher a part. Hug's


Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail -- Ralph Waldo Emerson


The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every

 time we fall. - Nelson Mandela


"Let no feeling of discouragement prey

upon you, and in the end you 

are sure to succeed."

- Abraham Lincoln 


"Every moment is a new beginning for me"  ~~ Louise Hay


The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything. - Edward Phelps


Right actions for the future are the best apologies  for wrong ones in the

past.  Tyron  Edwards


When nothing is sure, everything is possible.  Margaret Drabble (1939-) English Novelist


i hate this board sometimes... I was .in the middle of a profound (trust me!) post - when === BLIP==== it's gone!

I am here to remind you that you are one of the inspirations for a lot of people on this board.  The fact that you made a bad decision to smoke but jumped right back into your quit is a study in resolve and is to be applauded!!!  All is NOT lost of we smoke!!!  I can't imagine gong through those early days all over again - and you need to keep that in mind, too.  Day one through four are more difficult than five - ten!!!

I KNOW you can do this - I KNOW you can!  Try to divert your attention; try not to dwell on the smoking thoughts.  Try Sky Girl's biting into a lemon trick, or my Hershey Kiss trick.  Find something that REALLY holds your attention, like a computer game.

I am here, cheering you on!  


Yes, having to quit a second time is a bit harder than the first. You've been tricked by your nicodemon once. You know the pitfalls. Now you know how to prevent a relapse. Now you know how to succeed. If you allow it, this will be your opportunity to keep your commitment  to yourself and make it stronger than ever.

You have your eyes wide open right now. Protect your quit at all costs.


Junior, you can do this. I wrote a little poem early in my quit, don't know if it will help but I'll post just in case. 

The road to smoke free will not be smooth

there'll be bumps along the way

once you are there you will know

it's where you want to stay

watch for nicdemon's pitfalls

he makes them deep and wide

he lies he cheats he does it all

to keep you by his side

There is a better way

 and you can find it here

 the love, support and good advice

 comes from friends that have been there.

Have a good smoke free weekend.


You can do this!!!!!!      

Maybe read Allen Carr's book again? I mean, even if we remember it clearly, reading it again will only plant it firmer into our subconsciouseseses. It can only help cement the beliefs.

I'm going to read it again myself, because the brainwashing that helped me become and stay an addict was repetitive and STRONG, so shouldn't the RIGHT thinking also be repetative and strong? Reading that specific book through again may help knock you out of the willpower trap.

You know that it will get better if you DON'T smoke. You know that you are happier, more confident, sweeter smelling, more attractive, and healthier if you DON'T smoke. (i believe there's a new study out which proves that having a nasty, toxious cigarette in your mouth adds twenty lbs to your appearence!!!).

You know that you are cared for and supported. And Youngatheart is right, you are an inspiration. Do NOT give in to the demon. This is a matter of life and death!!! Do whatever it takes to protect this quit and to stop fighting and start enjoying your freedom!!  {{{hugs}}}


juniior you can do this.  you are one of the first people on this site to comment on my very first blog ever on this site. like youngatheart said you are an inspiration! hold to your quit. you can do it!!!! 🙂


Thanks everyone!!!!!!


I can certainly relate to the difficulties and how much harder it can be when we have to start over. Even now, those memories are very vivid in my mind. No matter what lies the nicodemon may tell you---we all know better---You do not want to smoke.

You have the knowledge and you are experiencing the benefits of notsmoking---You've got it this time. 🙂


i love your addatude keep it up and hang in there we are here for you. each time you quit and than go back to smoking. it does get harded and harded i know i did it way to many times,