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Share your quitting journey

N.O.P.E - no matter what

0 16 30

I'm still here and smoke free for 61 days. YES!

I have been unplugged, not blogged or commented for about 3 days. My wife and I won a free get- away at a casino in W. Virginia. We had a really good time. I have to tell you a (smoking allowed) casino is no place to hang out when you don't smoke anymore. Gambling, drinking and watching football are 3 of my big triggers. All 3 were front and center over the last couple of days. 

At one point I found myself sitting between 2 smokers at the black jack table.   As the evening rolled on, we of course became table buddies. I could have easily bummed one but instead I told myself "I do not smoke anymore" and I didn't. This was a huge test for me and I passed!

As I observed my table buddies, I noticed their auto pilot smoke behaviors. It was very interesting to watch. I thought to myself that used to be me. This was the first time I had been around serious smokers in the past 2 months. Afterwards my clothes (and me) smelled so natsy it almost made me sick. Couldn't wait to throw everything in the wash when we got home. Btw, I came home with a jingle in my pocket 🙂

I hope everyone had a safe new year. It's great to see all the new faces. This site is an excellent place to get the on-going support we all need. One day at a time towards our forever quit. 

Life id good.   KLV d61

16 Comentarios

Congrats on a couple months 61 days good job on the casino test 


Since I quit smoking I have found watching smokers adictive. I watch and watch and anticipate their every move. I can almost guess when they will light up and even tell you if they will smoke it or just let it burn on its own.

I guess for some people that would make them want a cigarette but for me it just makes me proud that I don't smoke. Smoking does make people look funny!!!

I think the worse smokers are the smokers who just let it hang in their mounth, with the ash dangling on the end.

Yep it does make me happy that I quit because I didn't realize how dumb I looked.



Great job protecting your quit!!! That's a true confidence booster...very inspirational...thanks for sharing. 

Also congrats on you winnings too : )


you beat old demond, proud of you. congrats on 61 days


Sounds like you and your wife had a blast! Congratulations on knocking another tempting test out of the park and making it to 61 smoke free days!! 🙂 Great job!!


Good job KLV on protecting your quit.

Congratulations on 61 days!!!



That's amazing! Way to push through a serious test!!! I know what you mean about the smell. I was driving next to someone today and they were smoking. The smell was overwhelming. I can't believe I used to practically bathe in that stuff! Jingle in the pocket is always a good icing on the cake!! Congrats! 


GREAT job protecting that quit.  Isn't it amazing that we used to smell and act just like that?  YUCK!



No Matter What.

Keep Growing that rock garden.


From the tapes I have been watching ... you have confronted a stituation that you normally would have smoked and found a new way to deal (no pun intended) with it without smoking ...... You are doing Great!   Congrats~


KLV - Great Job! I remember going into a casino that allowed smoking on a previous quit...I could smell it in the parking garage before I even got into the casino...eeewww. 

I am so glad you were abe to get away and face those triggers successfully! It sounds like you were prepared.

It is interesting to watch smokers when you are not a smoker, isn't it? Even moreinteresting to hear their reasons for smoking. And then you remember you had those sme excuses. 🙂 

But, you remembered YOU DON'T SMOKE!

Yay you!


It's quite a revelation psychologically when you're suddenly on the OUTSIDE looking in.  Make a HUGE difference to be that fly on the wall.  Yes, I say you passed a great  test with flying colors -  this psychological one.  Keep it in your back pocket of maintenance memories.  It may come in handy.  Ya done GOOD.  So...keep on with the good you're doiing!


Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


PS if you get a chance and are interested check out my post las vegas trip blog (I think there were two).  I EXperienced smoky casinos around day 50...  Not easy.  Giulia is so right - YA DONE REAL GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Reading your post gives me hope.  What a great job of beating the demon.  Cheers to you!!!!!


and you didn't want to come to the Horseshoe Casino here? jk. Getting away is better and glad you had good time. Passing the tests are even better, you grow stronger.