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My usual day

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My day is maid of of habits habit habit and routine.  My main habits are before I leave for work I would have a smoke, just one. This could be anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours after I got up.  I used to smoke in the car but stopped that about 6 months ago.

I would have one as I walked into work or to class.

It seemed like every 2 hours like clockwork, my body would know and I would have to go out and have another cig.

Then it is one on my way to the car after work, Then 1 or 2 or 3 after I get home.

This is what I keep thinking about. I look at the clock and my body goes. 'It is time'. I know it will get easier but man, it sucks right now.


Learning to drive without a cigarette this month, man, that's been the hardest part.  What about feeding your alarm clock with Lifesavers? Some sort of happy medium?  Still give it something?  Deep breaths has been my other go-to thing, 5 long deep slow breaths.  And then on to something else right away.

BREAK THE ROUTINE.   Even in small ways.  Drive with a great CD in the player, volume on high.  Have a bowl of cereal before work.  Don't go straight home after work.  Anything to alter what life used to look like, just a little, so the cues aren't as strong.

I don't need it anymore, but in the first few weeks, I used to say "hmm, i'd love a smoke, but I don't do that anymore, so what ELSE AM  I GOING TO DO RIGHT NOW?"

that helped a lot


Gatos has given you EXCELLENT advice!   The idea is to replace the smoking memories with NEW memories as an ex-smoker.  Try taking a different route to work if yoo can - and maybe park in a diffferent place than usual for your walks?

You are doing GREAT - one day at a time!



Hang in there....i eat....and chew nicorette and drink is getting a litle not usually into candy.


My last was sept 30th. I still have hard time driving. So I sing and roll the windows down even if  I am cold thats better. Cold wind hitting my face. I chewed tooth picks.  I do blast the muaic to headache level. I never liked driving before I started smoking so...Ihave to admit I drive and go less. But im saving money and mileage ")  I feel ya


I feel the same way in the car! Don't like driving and it is even worse this time of yr since it is winter here in northern Wisconsin! 


Hey friend! I always feel like I should suggest ‘distraction’ techniques to help new quitters get through the difficult moments but your post made me think that I don’t want to encourage you to ‘distract’ from your life but to ‘re-create’ your life…

YES in the first week or two you MUST distract  in order to get through those difficult moments but please hold in mind that all the time you spent smoking will now be spent in a variety of ways that ENHANCE and IMPROVE your life…Even though you may not be able to see or ‘feel’ that today…It is never the less…TRUE. xo