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Share your quitting journey

My struggle

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I've attempted to quit smoking millions of times as I know a lot of people have I also have struggled with addiction and drugs and alcohol I got 3 1/2 months clean from drugs and alcohol I can't seem to kick my smoking it's been a real struggle for me

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Smoking is just another addiction, like the others you've already conquered. There will be others commenting on your blog, with recommendations in how to prepare, what to read, there is a method to this madness of quitting smoking, which will help you through the hard times.  One thing which made a difference to me was reading the "Easy Way to Quit Smoking" by Allen Carr.  There are some free versions on the net, but I purchased mine on Amazon for $7.00, in Kindle format and used to go back to for a while in my quit.

You can go to "My quit plan" in the very right corner of the page, and read about tips, the how to, the help of quit aids, and many others.

You can also read blogs, go check "See the Best of EX", they are a collection of thoughts, challenges, and way to overcome them, written by real people, real quitters who are still here to help, guide new quitters.

If it were not by this community, I don't think I'd be an EX today 1275 DOF (Days of Freedom) is what I proudly show today, all because I found the help I needed here.

Welcome, and believe you can do it, it is not easy but it is feasible.

Congratulations on joining the team!

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I totally get it.... I walked away from drugs and alcohol over 14 years ago with no looking back. Smoking is on a whole other level. It’s something you’ve been doing since you were 8 years old. Your entire life. You’ve never experienced anything without a cigarette. But it is so do-able. To me it truly is ALL about mind set. You must approach it in the same way you did when quitting drugs/alcohol. Change your way of thinking. If you go in knowing you can do this, you will....

You have got to go into your quit willing to go thru ANYTHING without giving in. You will experience all kinds of crazy but it will end and you will survive. For me it was shear determination and stubbornness. I was not willing to fail. I was not going to let myself down. There is not a whole lot of stuff we have control of in our lives but whether we smoke or not is. Stay out of your head. If you are constantly thinking about smoking you are going to want to. 

You are are truly so able to do this. Your story isn’t much different than a lot of successful quitters on this site. We are here for you.  Make yourself proud!




I wrote some more suggestions under your other post....You can see by this post how hard and awful it is to quit cigarettes...however it is doable...and if you kicked those other habits you can kick this one...Preparation will help you out...go read and prepare a quit date at My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX  ... then read the blogs especially the elders here at Ex’s...lastly find things (healthy) to replace instead of smoking /blogs/Youngatheart.7.4.12-blog/2013/02/25/100-things-to-do-instead-of-smoke?sr=search&searchId=2acf... 

Keep close to the support site...and remember rid all of your smoking paraphernalia... YOU are worth this quit...~ now start working it...~ Colleen 278 DOF 


Look at your achievements. Rome was not built in a day. Congratulations on Sobriety.  It takes time to quit smoking. First we have to be willing to do whatever is necessary in order not to smoke.  Since you are an overcomer you have an idea what it takes to withdraw from drugs.  You can apply the same to quitting smoking.  Know that you have come to the right place for support.  If you are willing to do what is necessary.  Put willpower, luck wishes on the back burner.  It takes preparation, a plan, hard work, determination, perseverance, and a 150% commitment not to smoke no matter what. Start here identifying your triggers and track when and why you smoke. @My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX .  Turn your struggle into triumph,.  Instead of a struggle make it a challenge that you can meet. As challenges show up for you, how are you reacting to them? Are you resisting them, or can you embrace them?  Learn to embrace your quit, nuture it. Bring it to live. /blogs/Giulia-blog/2016/09/06/a-quit-dialogue-in-iv-acts?sr=search&searchId=206d9152-84ed-4002-84fc-... 


Most if not all of us here have tried and tried numerous times to quit smoking

You already have an understanding of addiction 

Smoking also is an addiction, the difference is the constant head noise we have built up over the years as to "I have/need to have a cigarette"

We do not need or have to have a cigarette. It basically is all is in our head once we get through the first few days

I know easier said than done. Takes self talk, positive self talk and a commitment to never ever again.

Believe and as Jackie above said Learn to embrace your quit, nuture it. Don't try to fight it rather acknowledge it as "something I just do not do anymore"

Welcome to EX


good to see youBeck37 


Welcome - education is the key - SUGGESTED to read all info from EX team - and watch video's at - CONGRATS on choosing to live ONE day at a time NICOTINE FREE



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You can conquer this quit just like you've conquered the alcohol and the drugs it's definetly not easy by any stretch of the imagination but thankfully with willingness determination and commitment along with perservence you can and will be successful one precious Smokefree Day at a time or hour minute or even a second at a time deep breaths and know that we're all here to help you in any way we can BUT you must believe it and stick with your precious quit journey so each evening you can say YAY for another Day WON and it's definetly the best gift that any of us will ever give ourselves which is the gift of LIFE. Heidigar


Ask your Sponsor if she thinks you are ready to quit another addiction to be removed at this time.If you don'r have a Sponsor get one ASAP.


Thank you so much . Just by you responding to my post means alot I'm not one a people person but I find encouragement in this website since I really made my mind up 


You are very welcome..... any time I can be of help please feel free to reach out.  You are stronger than you think. I have total faith in you....



Have you picked a quit date yet?   Making that decision is the first step.  Keep reaching out in the meantime!



Yea sep 12


That's great.  Continue to stay close and read everything you can on this site in the meantime.  Being prepared is going to help make you a winner.  Will be here celebrating on the 12th with you.



There are a couple of blogs that I found particularly helpful and I am going to link them here, they are both by JonesCarpeDiem‌ the first one is /blogs/jonescarp.aka.dale.Jan_2007-blog/2011/06/26/what-to-expect-in-the-first-four-months and the other is   Like you, I quit so many times that I lost track.  This quit is over 5 1/2 years old and it is the longest quit I have had since I started smoking.  The biggest difference between this time and all of the others has been EX and the support and love I have received here.  I read everything I could on this site, everything about nicotine addiction that I could find and I paid close attention to the advice I was given here.  Just like with any addiction...quitting is not an event, it is a one day at a time journey.


About the Author
I teied doing it cold t Turkey but i only smoked more ugh I've been smoking since i was 8 I'm 41