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Share your quitting journey

My squishy

0 14 35
Day eight and counting...looking for one of those squishy things recommended to keep my hands busy...there in a storage drawer...a squishy shaped like a cloud, on one side it says Dreams come true...and on the other side...a hand written I love you from my late husband... Happy smokefree tears here!
14 Comentarios

Congratulations on day 8! Hope you find a new squishy, soon! If you contact EXadmin they have some of those stress balls. You could request it and they will send it to you in the mail! Happy squishy hunting! Protect your quit!

Terrie  132  DOF


You could also play a computer game?  Or get a jigsaw puzzle, or knit or crochet?  Or weave a potholder? 

You are doing GREAT.  This does take some effort in the early days, but you will NEVER regret the investment!


Thank you both! I've got the squishy..and an added bonus from my husband
Gosh..I type out a lengthy response and only the first sentence posts..sad.
Also working on a grief wheel..a list of emotions dealing with my loss in artistic form. Past few days have been a bit more difficult but admittedly coming here has helped tremendously...thanks again

Hugs to you.

Onward and Upward


((((((((Big cyber Hug for you)))))))) -- Stay strong and stay close to this site because quitting smoking is definitely the best decision you will ever make in your lifetime, congrats on your precious 8 days of smoke free living and counting. 



That's one very potent squishy. 


You're doing great.  8 days is a small miracle in this business.  Stay true to your squishy and you'll be fine.  But you must be very firm in your resolve.


Congrats on 8 days! Saying squishy makes me chuckle. Lol


Congratulations on having the first week behind you....You did it !!!!!! Never let your guard down


Hope you're using the squishy your husband left for you.  I'm sure he knew this day would come and wanted to be here with you when it did; even if he didn't know it at the time, I'll bet He did, if you get my capital emphasis.


going strong rox 8 days down keep going they do add up....... 36 smoke freed days


Day 10 now Rox??? Congrats!!! xo

Craving Kickers

Did you know most cravings only last 3 to 5 minutes?

20 Craving Kickers

1. Take a deep breath and ask yourself, “What do I really want right now?” Keep asking yourself the question til you figure out what you really need right now (probably not really a smoke).

2. Drink a glass of water.

3. Call a friend.

4. Write down 3 things you are grateful for in your life.

5. Do 25 jumping jacks.

6. Take a 3-5 minute walk.

7. Go brush your teeth.

8. Paint your nails. (OK Guys TRIM your nails!)

9. Get a jar of bubbles and go blow bubbles

10. Play your favorite music and dance for a bit.

11. Write down 3 reasons you want to be smoke free.

12. Chomp on some raw veggies or fruit. The crunchier the better!

13. Cut a straw into the length of a cigarette and chew on it. Or use a cinnamon stick.

14. Get out some paper and doodle.

16. Take 5 minutes and write yourself a love note.

17. Do a crossword puzzle or Sudoku.

18. Imagine how you will feel tonight knowing you made it another day smoke-free!

19. Find a video on YouTube that makes you laugh. Congrats, you made it!


20. Look in the mirror and tell yourself “I love you and I will take care of you”.

All of you people here are just awesome! Thank you so much!