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Share your quitting journey

My real quit challenge

2 17 137

I have done really well with my quit this time around. I've made it through the craves and through my stressful situations. This week I was tested in a way I never imagined. My daughter and son in law came by to tell me he has pancreatic cancer. He just turned 41. I was actually in shock at first as I watched him go outside to smoke. Even facing this disease he still needed that smoke. I thought about having one but realized that my smoking won't change anything. My quit is still in check but must admit all those previous stressful situation now seem so silly. I assure you I have certainly changed what I see as stressful days. Trying to help keep my daughter and grand daughters from losing control has helped me see how wonderful and precious each day is and I pledge daily to stay smoke free.

17 Comentarios

Oh how my heart goes out to you and your daughter -son in law . I lost my Father to that and a friend of our this past March and recently another friend diagnosed with it. It blows me away to hear of how many people  are being newly diagnosed with it. I am so very sorry that you and your family must go through this now. Sending hugs love and prayers your way


Thank you so much. I have also noticed more people getting this. The Dr. stated that his opinion is more soda drinking, fast food,obesity and a sedentary lifestyle is a major cause. Sadly my son in law fits all of the above as well as being a heavy smoker. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers and I am so sorry for your losses.


Both my mother and brother died from pancreatic cancer. They both smoked....there is a correlation, I think.

I am so sad for your news, but happy you have accepted that smoking will not do a thing to make any of this easier with which to deal.

My sympathy.   Stay strong for your daughter.



Thank you Nancy. I am so sorry for your losses. I do agree that smoking is a major factor in the disease. I am keeping strong for my daughter so she can be strong for her girls.


So very, very sorry!  Prayers that he makes it through any and all treatments and may God hold you all close throughout this horrible time.  You're so smart to realize smoking won't change anything.  I hope all goes well!!  


Thank you. Taking all of this one moment at a time.


My heart goes out to you Mommamich.  May all your family find what they need to help them through this.  Wise and strong you are to realize smoking won't change a thing.  God Bless.


I am SO SORRY, I do know that some people survive for much longer periods of time than they used to, A friend of ours had a sister who survived for several years after her diagnosis.  She had surgery and it apparently slowed it down because she lived for quite a while.  I do wish he would quit smoking, I agree with YoungAtHeart‌ and others that there is a correlation.  I cannot imagine how difficult this is for you and for your daughter and well as your son in law.   My heart goes out to all of you and I will be saying many prayers.




I am very sorry to hear you had to bear this news, and proud that you realized that whether you smoke or not, (not is always the way to go)  it would not help you cope with the news get any better!  Glad you decided to hold on to your quit!  I will keep you in my prayers as well as your daughter and grand daughters!  


Wow, way to go staying strong after hearing that sort of news!  I'm so, so sorry your family is going through this.  I'll keep your family in my prayers!  


Thank you. We are leaning on each other and finding ways to try and stay optimistic. Don't want a smoke at all. I think in the back of my mind his smoking helped thus along however it doesn't change anything now.


Thank you. We can use the prayers to keep us all strong and optimistic. 


Sandy thank you. We could certainly use the prayers. We are taking care of each other and holding up. 


Thank you.


Prayers to you and your family. Big hug. You faced something tough and held true--this really matters.


I am so sorry and please know i have lifted you and all your family in prayer in Jesus name amen please take what helps and let go of the rest-thank you-i am so hopeful that you stayed nicotine free-my sister in-love was sent home for hospice-brain cancer-she sleeps-she isnt eating-i stay in pray and remember-NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF EVER! WORKS FOR ME-thank u so much for the gift of hope!


Am so sorry to hear about your son-in-law.  It’s so important for you to strengthen your resolve and keep the QUIT going, for yourself, your daughter and grandchildren.  Am so glad you are doing just that.  Doesn’t it feel good??!

Acerca del autor
I am nearing 60 years old and have worked me entire life. Now being retired have found smoking to be more of a hassle and I worry about my health. Would love to go back to work, find retirement a bit boring.