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My hardest fight is staying positive

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That pretty much sums up my life for the last few months. It seems as soon as one obstacle is out of the way another one comes up. Lately I have felt like an olympic athlete running the high hurdles, only I can't see the end of the course. I get really irritated with people who just lay down when life gives them a challenge, however lately I can certainly understand it.

We all have these blocks in our way. Wether it's quitting smoking, losing weight or an illness. I guess the trick is to find a way to look to tomorrow. Quitting smoking does get easier, losing weight will happen, and illness's can get better.

As some of you know my husband and I are going through the process of divorce. It is painful but I have to keep thinking there is a reason I am doing this and tomorrow is another day. I am beginning to feel like Scarlett Oharra in gone with the wind. I have said so often lately "tomorrow is another day". I know there is no one there actually saying it, but it feels like life is playing the part of Rhett Butler and saying... "Frankly my dear I don't give a dam".

For my friends here Thank you for checking on me, I am so grateful to have you. I am once again allowing a couple days for me to get used to all that is going on and I promise I'll be back with a smile on my face.

For anyone new to their quit... Please stay strong. Come read my page and a few blogs and you'll find out smoking has a huge price.
9 Comentarios
By're gonna DO this !!!! YEA !!!!!!
Strong...and focused !!! And you know the realities of that chin up....we're here !!!!
I love GWTW. I can't remember the line exactly, but it goes something like as God is my witness, I will never go hungry again. Sorry about the divorce. Divorce can drive you crazy. I fond myself thinking if I could find him, I would kill him-then realized that was irrational and he wasn't worth it. The last time I talked to him was about 28 years ago when he called and was mad because the IRS was on him because I filed separtely. I informed him the divorce was final before the end of the year and I didn't get a copy of his W form. I have a wonderful daughter and two great grandkids and couldn't be happier. I hope I never smoke again. I can no longer put up with a bad habit. You hang in there. Later-Vicki
Been there done that, got the t-shirt, the movie rights, the book deal, and Oprah wants to talk to me. I've hated the challenges and hurdles I've had to face in life, but NO ONE or NOTHING can take away my quit! They can't take custody, or steal my quit. It's MINE!!
New York Marathon
MyHotComments hope this will help a little, hang in there, we are going to believe for better tomorrows for all of us:)
Vicki... Thanks for the comments. And very good luck with your quit.

I am getting divorced because that is the only way I can get insurance to help with my recent diagnoses of severe emphysema/copd. We have been married 26 years and this is really painful. I am not judging anyone who has been divorced. I came from a family of divorced people. I just never wanted to be one of them.
Sometimes Kellie, staying positive can become a real drag. Sometimes when life keeps hurtling pile after pile of crap at us, we want to just say screw being positve...I'm down, I'm done, I'm just plain feed up with it all!!!! Geezzzzz, would someone please JUST MAKE IT GO AWAY!!!!!! Even if for only a hour, I just want one hour of peace. An hour where I don't have to fight back with someone or something. Few of us on planet earth have never felt just like that. I know that having someone tell you that you are not rowing the boat of frustration by yourself is of little consequence, because when we are to that point we simply do not feel the power of those who are with us. We just feel like we are the only one. I've been there, I am there and I am sure I'll be there again. I put on a good front. I'm a tough old mule, thick skinned, unshakable, unmovable, a super man of emotional control and I got my wits about me and no body is going to mess in my wheaties. I am eternally grateful that few ever get to see me when I return to being Clark Kent. Depression, being fed up, wanting to reach out an choke the !@#% out of somebody is OK from time to have permission from this backwoods hillbilly phycopath..oh wait I mean physiatrist, to go there. You also have permission to not stay there. I think it is rather remarkable that you have managed a quit in the middle of a divorce. I've been through 3 of them and I don't think I could have done so this well. Of course I am going to tell you to cheer up because that is what I am supposed to say right now. There is a better day comming. How tough is your situation? I don't know...I'm not having to live through it. When people ask me how I am doing, I try to put it into perspective for them. How I am doing really depends on where they are in life. If you are healthy, wealthy and enjoying the "good" life, then I am not doing worth a flip, but if you have no feet and can not support yourself, I am doing wounderfully well, thankyou. My attitude is mine. I will not let it be dictated by circumstance, happenstance or the ignorance and intollerance of others. I have given myself permission to be down when I want to be and permission to shake it off when I am done feeling bad for me. Tonight, when you go to bed, thank God for what you are and all that has brought you to be who you are at this very moment. Because without each and every experience that you have had, you would not be you. Then ask God how you can take every moment, every happiness, every trauma and use it to make someone else's life better. I do. And He keeps leading me to folks who need everything from a little pick me up to a major overhaul. Life is good afterall...For now...HUGS from Arkansas...Jeff
Im thinking of you and wish you well. You and your hubby should go out on a date and celebrate your love for one another cause this is truly what love is all about. Keep your friendship and sense of humor through it all,,, go do something fun
Sweetie, I understand that this divorce is a medical finance thing you two feel you have to do. so be it. That doesn't affect how you feel about one another and that's a good thing. You care about each other. Rejoice in that! My sister told me when I first started talking about quitting that I needed to be able to forgive myself. You see...I kept resolving to quit and then I wouldn't follow thru and then I would get mad at myself. I just spent all my time on a real guilt trip re those damned cigarettes. When I decided to forgive myself and get on with it whenever I could...why then changes started happening. Your quit has been successful, so reason it won't continue to be. But , for your own happiness, I suspect you need to forgive yourself for falling victim to being ill????

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As hard as it is to do, keeping a positive outlook and having a sense of humor is a big part of staying quit.

I feel for you, my friend...