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Share your quitting journey

My half-baked (or maybe not so much) scientific logic....

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Today is my third day without a cigarette (minus the two half-stubs I smoked Sunday morning--yuck!!) and I am on no form of NRT: just Jolly Ranchers and regular Wrigley's gum.

I have also cut out 90% of my coffee intake, as nicotene and caffeine are linked chemically. But because today's cravings have been so strong, I am drinking some light coffee only to "feed" my system a bit of reward while not triggering (or exacerbating) a full-scale nico-rage.

Any thoughts on this by more experienced fellow quitters?? Best of luck to all of you---WE are the CHAMPIONS!!

15 Comentarios

Well try not to force yourself to cut out too many things at once, but pretty much everyone on here will agree that your 3rd day is one of the hardest days.  BUT once you get past that point things will start looking up for you, just keep yourself busy.  Trust me, one never realizes how much time they waste in a day just by smoking till your not doing it anymore.  Go for walks, clean, read a book, etc.  Great job so far, keep it up!!!


Well, as you know it's pretty tough stuff in the beginning, BUT after you pass that first week, you're confidence level climbs dramatically (for me anyway) ! I haven't given up my 1 cup of coffee everday, but I did give up my Fri evening cocktail for the first 4 weeks (big trigger).  I finally had my first one (a Pomegranate Cosmo, thank you very much) since I quit last Friday, and I was absolutely fine without smoking. I smoked for almot 30 years, so I accepted that it will absolutely take awhile for me to heal (psychologically).  GREAT "luck" (or should I say determination) to you! ; )



Thanks for the support girls....just being acknowledged on here eases the lonliness of quitting.


Lewis65, I commented on your blog about an hour ago btw...continued success to both of you!



Third day is the hardest!  Good job on your quit!  Good job, Good job.  My advice to you.   I understand nicotine now.  I never did before.  My brain will always want nicotine.  5 minutes from now, or 5 years from now.   I understand that my brain wil tell me sometimes to SMOKE NOW.  I understand that I will tell my BRAIN that  in 5 minutes i am going to smoke a cigarette.  The 5 minutes pass, and  my brain is over it's temper tantrum.  I also fake smoke.  I have some cigarettes lying around.  I feel secure knowing they are there.  I also feel superior knowing they are there, and I deny them.   I don't want to die.  My brain needs to know that I will die early and ugly if I smoke.  

Is that your horse?


if i smoked my two half stubs....


id have no stubs at all




Way to go on your quit! For some odd reason, coffee has never been a trigger for me. After 30 days of not smoking, I still have to remind that inner junkie that I no longer smoke. Sometimes, out loud as I walk it off. Odd but true, anything to not smoke! Just breathe~you're not alone.


Ok take a deep breath it's gonna get better.

I simply refused to give up coffee, I cut back to 2 small Fireking mugs daily ,,, with an occasional cup at work, but theres is'nt good so not to often.

As quick as a crave comes you can  say nope I'm not gonna do it maybe next time but not this time. It only last a moment

Thanks for your  blog



Well--you are correct that the studies show that caffeine and nicotine are linked. BUT---I am like James---I simply was not giving up my coffee.

I "USE" the coffee to help me through the craving especially in the morning (they aren't so bad any longer but I am over 100 days). I hold the coffee with two hands, I also switched to one of those HUGE mugs--I inhale the smell, keep my hands (both ) on the mug and truly SAVOR. It works for me.

My husband, who also quit smoking, no longer drinks coffee

That's why they make chocolate and vanilla!!! And in 2010 they also make, chunky monkey, rocky road, strawberry field, vanilla bean, cookie dough, peanut butter ripple (you get the idea)


way to go !! race horses very cool worked breding frams for years love the horses ! just dont give up keep trying! like old john henery!1 stay strong or mybe ack ack


There's no reason to quit drinking coffee. Maybe cut back some because, once you stop using nicotine, coffee is metabolized a bit slower so you can get wired and stay up all night if you drink the usual amount. Otherwise, stop and take a cofffee break. Savor it. Ex-smokers enjoy coffee just lke smokers. It's just a junkie lie that you had to have a cigarette to enjoy coffee.

I used to take my coffee out to my smoking deck and enjoy a nice non-smoking break. Now, having said that, I had a strong association between drinking coffee and smoking. It was one of the most persistant triggers. Everytime I poured coffee, I thought of smoking. It got to the point where I just laughed about it. I finally broke the trigger. It's just a re-learning process. Some triggers fold up quicker than others.

Those triggers and associations are good. They are an essential part of the healing and re-learning process. You can't relearn them until you experience them as an ex-smoker. Embrace the crave.


I also quit cold turkey and refuse to give up my coffee. I'm on day 60 of my quit and my coffee tastes better and better every morning. For many of us coffee and cigs went together. We've realized that we built that connection in our heads. Cup of coffee? Sure, I'll smoke to that! Or the coffee break at work that usually meant a cig as well. Those connections are psychological as well, not just chemical. You CAN have coffee and quit smoking. Like Sootie said, really savor the moment with your coffee. Personally, there is no way on God's green earth I will ever give up my coffee. i used to smoke at least 2 cigs per cup. Now I can truly taste and smell my brew of choice. 


WORD! I too love my coffee - alot of do -   and since I quit, I am not so much a freak about it. I used to drink 2-3 cups at home (with cigs) and on the way to work I had a cup, of course with cigs. There is scientific evidence that shows that caffience increases your desire for nicotine - but it is still managable. You may notice you drink less coffee - you may now drink a moderate amount vs. the whole pot we used to drink with our cigarettes, and that can not be a bad thing either.  My taste buds are returning and re-tuning into all the things I love... I still think about cigs when I am drinking coffee - but remember the awful smokeers/coffee breath and that helps. haha!  Sounds like you're on the road to success - keep it up!


i agree, the third day is the hardest! I think alot of the 'trigger" stuff is in your mind. I didn't quit drinking coffee or drinking. In a way it is a reward. Ya can't quit it all at once, other wise you are depriving yourself of EVERYTHING. Not so good for a grouchy mood. As SuzyQ says, break that connection in your head that says coffee and cigarettes go together. And remember, a craving is just your body's way of telling you that you need another "fix". Don't give in to the addiction, you are stronger that that! Good job, keep up the good work with another..... SMOKE FREE DAY!


 Hi Jeff

 Thought I'd share my endeavor with you. I too am a heavy coffee drinker ( Starbucks Bold no less ). A doctor friend of mine told me to try replacing my several cups of coffee with Green tea with pomegranate. He says both are very good toxin flushes for the body and it will help get rid of the nicotine your body has stored. I am trying it and it really is helping me. I had to develope a taste for green tea but that wasn't too hard.

 Hang in there and I'm cheering for ya!