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My Time To Quit (Day 3)

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Hello. So yesterday I mentioned in my blog that i went kind of over board on smoking. well today i feel so much better! i waited alittle while before smoking and when i went to tally up how much i smoked today, i only smoke 6 cigarettes! yesterday i think it was 11! that was really bad. i get so bored but me and my fiance started packing up our stuff today. we are going to be moving in like, 4 or 5 days from now. im really excited. and ofcourse my dad is still sad, doesnt want me to go but i want to be able to do my own thing and start my life.

Today my GERD wasn't so bad. my doctor told me i should quit smoking and recommended patches or gum but i dont believe in that stuff. i tried it and it 1) made me want a cigarette even more 2) it made me feel weird. it totally hit my anxiety bad because i thought i was getting a nicotine overdose. So i stopped using that.

My dad says the best way is to just to quit on my own without using all that stuff. So now I'm here, found this place. I'm just taking it one day at a time. It's like im a baby again trying to teach myself to walk, starting off with holding onto sides of things and taking baby steps. But im getting there.

Thanks for reading.


Keep reading and make a decision to set a quit date! How does that make you feel/ Scared? That's perfectly normal! Your Addictive Mind is probably screaming at the thought! But you will do it anyway because it means FREEDOM! Set the date and KNOW that you mean business! Oh, and keep working on retraining your brain!


Congratulations on 3 days !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You can do it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Listen to what Thomas is saying. Make the decision, set the date and be determined to do this and it's done! Regarding your Dad being sad, when children move out of the family house it's always a sad thing because that means a new chapter in everyone's life. When my youngest daughter moved out she was 24 and always said she was never moving out. It took me some time to adjust. Just be patient with your dad ,you are still a baby to him and probably will be one forever.

Member 3, keep up the good work!!!!