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Share your quitting journey

My Strength Comes From Me

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~~Strength doesn't come from what you can do, it comes from overcoming the things you thought you couldn't.~~  Unknown


I enjoy coming here and writing about all the things that I think it takes for a successful quit.....loving yourself, being gentle with yourself, and being kind to yourself.  It's my way of helping.  I want you to succeed.  But I don't talk enough about strength.  And strength is the basis of anyone quit.  Your strength for your strength for mine.  You see, I finally figured that out when I quit this very last time.....410 days ago.

I quit without this site and without any other site.  I told my kids but then I simply did what I knew I had to do.  No trumpets, no fanfare, no fireworks.  I knew that when I put them down, it was finished.  No "maybe it will work or maybe it won't".  No "I hope this time is the last time".  No "I am afraid I can't do it".

Failing wasn't an option.  Quitting meant never again even thinking of slipping, relapse, sneaking, or failing.  Quitting meant forever being smoke free.  And so, with that mindset, I quit.

There are no magic potions, no secrets to quitting, no perfect formula.  It is not easier for some than others.  Just as smoking doesn't discriminate, neither does quitting.  You don't have to be rich, have a high IQ, or be short, tall, shy, or outgoing.  Anyone can quit.

Just remember, please, to recognize your strength in quitting.  You haven't smoked in 5 hours?  Cheer!!  You are strong.  You feel weak, come here, ask for help....cheer!  You are strong.  You are curled in a ball on your bed sobbing but haven't smoked?  Cheer!!  You are strong.  Strength isn't in having no desire to smoke....strength is in not smoking, regardless of your desires.

Excuse me, please, for rattling on......I just want you to know you can quit successfully.  After all, I did 🙂  And I'm just someone like you who used to be a smoker.

Peace to all on this lovely, rainy Saturday!


7 Comentarios

Yes it is a sit of mind, a positive thinking and I hve to work on everyday. Thanks for the blog.Think Positive


Good blog.  I needed to hear this today.


A+ Blog, Sheri.  Rattle on as often as you can!  Smoking is not an option!


You are absolutely right.  I didnt know that until my yoga instructor, who quit many years ago, said, "Oh I knew I wouldn't smoke again."  It was a lightbulb moment for me.  In all my previous quits I never realized I had that option.

Sheri, great blog and great words!

That just made a whole lot of sense! Any time i had my mind 100% made up, i succeeded in whatever the endeavor was. Now i shall pull from the strong root within me for the next milestone. 


Wonderful words of wisdom.