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Share your quitting journey

My June Blog

3 15 38

I had an upper chest CT scan a a couple of days ago. My doctor suggested it to me. The cost was $49, which is considered a really good price ,about the cost of 8 packs of my old brand, and is offered by a local hospital A script is required. It is recommended for smokers or ex-smokers with a history of 30 pack years-which is smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for 30 years or 2 packs a day for 15 years. If you have not reached this milestone PLEASE STOP SMOKING NOW!CT stands for Computed Tomography . It uses x rays and shows horizontal or layered images of the body in much more detail than a regular x rays. They are useful in detection of lung cancer in early stages and other problems too.


I am going to get an exam by a Pulmonary Doc. I know him well, my mom was one of his patients. He treated her for COPD. I would take her to her office appointments with him and he always asked her if she had quit smoking yet . She would hesitate for a moment and then sheepishly answer “yes” I was with her once when he did a hospital visit. My sister, (a smoker too) was also there . Actually, I was outside having a smoke when he arrived. My loving sister ratted me out. He looked at me and said, “The apple doesn't fall far from the tree”. (: When I see him, I can honestly and proudly announce that I quit 2 ½ years ago.


I have never made the 13th comment on a blog-until a few nights ago. I thought I was making #12 but by the

I posted someone had beat me to the punch-It was #13. I thought about deleting it, but the trigger had already been pulled and the shot fired- the bad mojo had been released. I have a solution for this now. Whenever I encounter a blog with 12 comments I will post #13.


One more silly thing-this is my 3rd June here on EX and I have never before posted a blog in June. Today is my last chance for 11 months. June is special to me because 06/03 is my 'nicotine free anniversary' I used the nicotine patch from 01/03/13 until 06/03/13. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS! Some cat here got the gist of it and strongly recommeded that I try doing without it and I did.


RELAPSE PREVENTION -remember these points and diligently practice them and you probably will not relapse:

1 Smoking won't end your problems, It will add to them.

2 Quitting is a journey, one day at a time -beginning with your last smoke and ending with your last .

smoke free breath.

3 N.O.P.E.




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About the Author
My name is Jim. I started to smoke at age 16 quit for four years when I was 21 started up again and smoked for about 33 years