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My First Rotten Day

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If I survive this week a non-smoker, I know I won't have to EVER again. My husband has been home sick with pneumonia since Friday. I'm really starting to lose my sh*t!!! 

I'm starting a new part-time job with Life Time Athletic. There's a brandy new one opening near me. While I'm excited, I'm also nervous. There's a lot of online training to do-- I do get paid for it, but that means I'm doing my full-time teaching job, my current part-time gigs PLUS trying to cram in this training while my hubby does NOTHING and watches endless TV.

Now I rationally understand that he is quite sick. But this is REALLY bad timing during week 1-2 of my quit and I'm feeling more than a little overwhelmed. You all should also probably understand, my hubby works evenings, so I am used to doing my own thing from Sunday- Thursday. I don't want TV, it's not on. I want to go somewhere, I do. I don't feel like cooking dinner, no worries. But with him home and sick, there are more expectations on me and nowhere for me to chill and do what I want to do. (I think I mentioned my house is teeny.)

Last night, I chilled outside and did my training. Today, it's raining!!!! 

I also need to purge an event I'm not over. He FREAKED out last night because I wasn't cooking and the kids wanted Popeye's. He didn't want that, but I wasn't going a million places so he looked online and saw they had butterfly shrimp. I get there to order and they tell me, no, they haven't had that for months. There's a car behind me so I make the decision that popcorn shrimp was a suitable swap. After he threw a hissy fit in front of the kids, swearing, slamming a chair, refusing to eat and storming off, he blamed ME for not calling him and asking him what he wanted instead!!!

I said very sternly, "I made a call. Maybe it was the wrong one, but it's done now. You better ROLL IT BACK." He took the food back and got something else and when he returned, he did apologize. But I don't think he understands how bad his reaction was. I was embarrassed in front of my kids and hurt by the sheer hatred in his voice and actions. I started to say what upset me and he stopped me and said he just apologized. I think that's what is bugging me. Sure you apologized- but if you stop me and don't let me get my feelings out then you don't really have any idea how you hurt me and what you're apologizing for. I didn't smoke yesterday--but  I'm  sitting while dinner is cooking, listening to his tv after working all day and helping my kid with an essay and cooking and I'm IRATE. And my heart is pounding and my head is pounding and Zuul is really making a lot of noise.


I just said "Ugh" on another person's post.  This deserves a double "UGH"!  So sorry you are going thru all that .  I guess you do have that one sliver of a silver lining - your quit will be much stronger after all this.  Hope it all calms down sooner rather than later.  Come back and vent or pat yourself on the back (whatever you need to do) as much as you can.  We're all in your corner.


I did tell him this evening in a calm manner that I was upset with him. I explained that I felt cut short on the apology and even though he might feel better about what happened, I did not. I do feel better after standing up for myself instead of smoking to get it off my mind. I ended with, "You would never allow the kids to speak to me that way, so I do not understand why you think you can." 

I don't feel like I NEED a cigarette anymore.


Wow.  I'm super impressed.  I don't think I could have been that calm and logical so early in my quit.  I don't believe in a God who would give us trials to make us stronger, but you really are handling a tough situation that would have broken many new quitters.  Good for you!  Your quit will be all the stronger for it.


Short story:

You did GOOD!

The end.


You do have a full pate. Geese. I feel for ya. As hard as it is though just remember you cant control his actions or words anymore than he can control yours. Your emotions are most likely higher also right now, I know mine were when I quit. I think you did a pretty darn good job protecting your quit amongst it all. I also thing you BOTH are running on high emotions right now, him sick and you quitting. He apologized, thats cool. You set boundaries and followed through...even cooler in my book. Showing the kids how to 'recover' from an argument and make peace and forgive is something good for everyone. Hang in there, I think your doing fine.


Serenity prayer helps ❤


Sending zen vibes your way pastedImage_1.png


You do have a lot on your plate right now. Luckily you don’t smoke anymore cause there is no time in your day. The thing is your husband has a new quit going on also. We all react differently in the beginning days and some people are just plain mean and grumpy. It’s a lot more difficult when there are kids involved but if you haven’t already done so you might want to talk to the kids and let them know what’s going on.  

You do have a lot of crazy going on and you are obviously overwhelmed. Have you taken on too much? Is the part time job necessary? It’s all about work/life balance.  Hang in there....



It's an amazing opportunity and I see it like an "upgrade" in my fitness career. It will be fine once school ends next Thursday. Just crazy timing. The club plans to open in July. In September, when school starts again, I do plan to look at my classes and make some cuts, but those will likely come from my old gym that hasn't given any raises in 3 years!!! I can make it. I swear I can!!!

Plus, I get to learn some new formats, which will keep me quite occupied when school ends.

I will try to cut hubby a little more slack, too. You are so right. He's sick AND quitting. And doing it without meds or support. (I sent him a connection request here, but no response so I know he's not using EX.) I bought him the illustrated version of the Carr book. I wish he would read it, but I have no control over that. I can control my responses. That is all. Thank God we're both not exploders!


You do have a busy life.  On the positive side, you don't have time to smoke and while other's are looking for things to do instead of smoking, it appears you have more than your share.   This is difficult period with irritability or frustration being part of the early stage.   You're doing great holding it together.  It's important to take care of yourself right now.




Hope today is a better one for you and your family...((((Hugs)))) ~ Colleen 190 DOF 

Community Manager
Community Manager


I love how you vented/ranted! Way to go!!

I'm so confused why many men become dysfunctional when they're sick. Borderline worthless, I've heard from some wives mouths.  I know not all men are like that but as a single dad of three boys, even when I'm sick time doesn't stop. I still have to do all the things and I figure it out somehow. I read an article recently about how even if men are very active in helping around the house and are involved in child rearing that we're still not even close to pulling our weight. We just don't think in the same way about things that women do. It takes effort to rewire our brains and think about the things that are on your minds.

You're doing good things for yourself but also for your kids too.  Kids need examples of how to handle things on their own.  Give them positive examples of handling difficult situations.  Hopefully your husband listens better and and works to understand what you're going through and shows some more compassion and empathy towards what you're going through.  

EX Community Manager


Good Going!

Teach him to fight fair instead of just going off is the new you.

Your actions now may save you from a future of macaroni and wheeze! 


I've learned so much about myself and the way I handle frustration reading your blog.  Here's hoping he gets over the pneumonia (and himself, lol) quickly.  The majority of the 33 years I've been married we've been together 24/7.  Takes strength (and a lot of patience)!   But ZUUL is a lousy marriage counselor.  You handled it all well.  Take those slow deep breaths.  They really do help.


I think you handled the situation beautifully!!  Even with all that going on you didn't smoke!!  Good work on expressing yourself to him in a calm manner.  My late husband had a ton of those temper tantrums when he stopped smoking.

I had my share too.  We had 43 years of marriage, it's not always a bed or roses especially when we first quit.


I barely know you all, but your words mean an awful lot and are totally helping me through this!!! I look forward to my opportunities to come here, read, write, connect and vent! Hubs is now officially out of work until at least Sunday. I sent him an "OY!" first. Then a cutesy message along the lines of maybe you ought to start thinking of some other things to do besides watch tv with an upside down smiley face. He actually texted me back a laughing face!

I got home from work and then had to go immediately to a client. It was 5 pm when I was on my way home and he texted that HE was making chicken parm!!! When I got home again, I got shooed from the kitchen so I took a shower and did some more of my eLearning and then dinner was done and delicious. I am so happy I might even watch a show with him tonight.

We are solving problems together without smoking!!!!


Admitting you're about to lose your shit is the first step in regaining the control that you're not interested in losing. Okay, did that make any sense?

As for not knowing the people here, I felt the same way and then I ended up meeting a bunch of these good folks in VA Beach recently. They/we are the same off the screen and in person. I met people that I like to credit with at least part of my quit success, probably more than part of it.

I'm glad you're still hanging in there! Good luck with the new gig.


Day 177


Kudos to both of you for turning the situation around to a positive note and adding some humor to the mix to boot!! I like a happy ending to stories!


43 years! That's a lot of memories. I am so very sorry for your loss and hope you find peace and comfort in the happy memories you have. I am sure he would be happy to know you're still trying to live your best life and helping others in the process.


May I suggest using a quality raw ( unpasteurized ) honey for his pneumonia, it sure assisted me with me on cough's and overall feeling better.


Thank you. I will tell him.

About the Author
I am a mom, a teacher AND a fitness instructor. It blows my mind that I used to smoke. It made me feel like a total and complete phony. I run and bike frequently. I am working on my swim. My speed and endurance are improving, but more importantly, I now feel truly connected to the world I'm part of and no longer pushing away.