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Share your quitting journey

My Best Friend

10 29 315

                              Thought I would share with you all a picture of my best Friend

Last Summer we did not spend much time together as I was too tired from smoking or when we did get together would be a short visit as I would get too winded. 

The good ole summertime is back and I am enjoying the energy and improved lung capacity.

Even rode my bike to work last Thursday.  Plans going forward are to ride Tuesdays & Thursdays to work.

              Added benefit is I am going to loose those pounds I put on over the last year from being lazy.


29 Comentarios

WAY TO GO ! Setting goals to get stronger- inside and out - You are so cool - with good ideas Jonimarie and thanks for sharing your healthy non smoker life style goals- it makes ME think of goals - dreams - I could DO -  just for ME  - GOOD JOB - bike riding -  over all work out for -  physical body -  heart - lung and NEW mind attitude- joy for being NICOTINE FREE and celebrating YOUR VICTORY with exercising  - I been mulling around the bikes at Wal-Mart - still debating which one I want to buy - I am favoring the one with a basket - and plan on buying a bell for MY handle bar and flashing lights for MY peddles and the back of the seat - just decorating it for MYSELF - gentle hug❤


I got into biking as it is so much easier on the joints than walking yet still good exercise. It is so mentally freeing for me to be on my bike enjoying nature or biking to some summer event. Your mind is free of all negativity and cleanses the are totally living in the moment while on a bike. Got to have a basket for snacks /water and picking up stuff from the farmers market or art fairs. Let me know when you get your bike and share a picture


Will do  


I Adore biking, such a sense of freedom. Good for you


People like you...who saw such amazing results from their quits were EXACTLY the people who made me realize that even though I had quit COPD was a whole lot farther along than I knew.  I was downright jealous of people who could go for long walks or runs or bike rides.  CONGRATULATIONS!  It is absolutely wonderful that you have gotten such great improvement in your lungs.  I ride ten miles a day, five days a week but it has to be indoors on a stationary bike.  I used to LOVE to walk and walk and walk and I cannot do that anymore.  I am seriously happy for you and I am not saying this to make you feel sorry for me, I just think that anyone who smoked and who did not develop COPD to the point that I did should celebrate every single day and every single breath.




elvan I KNEW last summer I was in trouble and it was my smoking...but no smoking was more important to me than enjoying riding my bike. It was not until I had pneumonia Thanksgiving weekend last year and was in the hospital for 3 days and a scan showed mild COPD in my left lung that I became scared. But again NO, I did not quit smoking until April 22nd. Took along time for it to really sink in. I am very lucky and grateful and pray to God I do not falter and smoke again as it will only get worse as no reversing it. You and Oldbones Larry need to continually remind us of what will happen if we ever go back to smoking. You are speaking the truth and know you are not looking for anyone to feel sorry for you. God Bless


Great Post

Great Friend


Thank you for sharing this great awe inspiring thought provoking blog post that I wish had a helpful button because I'd be tapping on it right now but I'll have to settle for the like button instead and I really like your friend alot.....


That's wonderful.  It's such a good feeling knowing that quitting smoking is showing positive results.  Enjoy your biking.





Love the post, love the picture, love your attitude.  That photo just rings of Freedom.  My bike is sitting in the garage.  Haven't been on it in a year.  Thank you.  This little nudge may do the trick!  Great friend you've got there.  And doesn't talk back!  lol


how wonderful!!


Thank you for sharing...Ride on to Freedom ... ~ Colleen 181 DOF 


I am SO HAPPY for you and for every single person who walks away from smoking before they experience the damage that can be done by continuing to smoke.  You have a spectacular and realistic attitude...keep it up and keep biking.  Wave as you pass the house with the little old lady biking away in front of a window, LOL.



I sure would like to have a friend like that.  Been looking.


OK, you really spurred me on.  Just went out with my friend whom I haven't seen in almost a year.  Did about 5 miles.  Gonna feel it tomorrow and gonna do it again tomorrow!  It's about time I got my act together here.  Thanks for the spurring!



Hey, Good to see you.


GOOD FOR YOU Giulia‌. It really IS great exercise, wish I could do it outside.


Love it!!  And a great photo of your friend


Did the same route today with a little more avidity.  Chain came of sprocket so had to put it back.  Had a little mishap on the last little hill trying to change gears while holding the taser at the same time.... lost speed 'cause I couldn't change gears with the darn taser in my hand (for nasty dogs you know!)   couldn't get my leg over the bike fast enough to keep it upright - bike down, me down, kind of like the little old man on the bicycle who keeps falling over - what the heck was that comedy??? Anybody remember?  It was like a standard part of the show.....?  Laugh In?

Anyway, no great harm done, fortunately.  Just like a kid, scraped elbow, scraped knee, banged wrist.  A little peroxide, some Ibuprofen at bedtime.....  Fortunately my bones aren't brittle, thank God!  But learned a good lesson.  Hold taser - walk up hill with bike,  or put taser in pocket, shift gears and ride up hill.  The taser is something new that's been added because of all the nasty dogs of late.  Just like with quitting - adjustments must be made!  I'm just delighted I am now on Day 2 of my bicycle journey!  One day at a time gets you where you want to be.  


Good for you jonimarie‌!



Giulia‌ Sorry you fell, glad you are alright.   

Oh and yes, it was Laugh In.


I thought it was Laugh In.  Just couldn't find it in any clips.  Thanks for the well wishes.  Feel pretty good today.  Gonna try to go out again today.  Rains are coming tonight and gonna last quite a while.


Giulia‌ Same here, rains coming through beginning of next week.  The guy was Arte Johnson.


Hey! I'm around,just busy!  Approaching day 1000 (this month, Ithink)

Life is great! Hope you are doing well too!


Be careful and use wisdom.  Above all do not be hardheaded.  Or you may end up with a soft butt. I am happy that you are delighted.  I will try to start Monday


I AM using wisdom.  Moreso when I realized how hard the pavement is - at a month shy of 70 years old.  AND too, realizing that I don't have the calf strength (after two opposite achilles surgeries) to stabilize myself too well.  I didn't really "get" that until momentum ceased on the bike and I couldn't catch myself before it fell over at zero miles an hour.  (And I haven't been on the bike for a year or more.)  Since that episode I have figured out how to deal with it better, learned how to prepare for it and prevent a splat on the pavement.  Just like quitting - we learn as we go, we learn as we age how to do what we want to do, DESPITE our limitations.  There are many here who have done so.  There are many here who have been hard headed and learned it the very hard way.  Both have taught me much.  I've learned how to ride with trifocals, when before I had just my plain old eyes.  We learn, we adjust, we move on.

Sometimes we're all a little stupid and need to learn a new lesson.  That's what I call growth.


A month shy of 70 years old, oh but so good you are biking. I am 64 years old and yes I no longer strive for 17 mph. I am just fine with  8-12mph. Usually come August after I fully have my bicycle legs go a little faster and for longer rides. I do have times were I give myself a little scare missing a squirrel running across my path or turns a little too fast. 


Yes, the squirrels are a treat, aren't they?!  Will you go to the left, no - it's to the right, uh, left - no..... yowza!  The other concerning thing are the nuts that might be in the road that one doesn't see.  I actually had a dream I was biking last night over the tops of gorgeous autumn New England trees.  Guess biking has already seeped into my subconscious.  Like it!  May we ride often and without mishap!