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Share your quitting journey

Morning one and all ●●●●

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I woke up this morning thinking how many of us try our best to take EXtra good care of our outward appearance so we can look our best and it's not until we quit smoking that we really take a much closer look at our insides, especially our organs. I know while I was still smoking I certainly knew the dangers of continuing to light up but cancer and other health issues happened to other people not me but that was totally dunce thinking on my part , once I found out I had mild copd I knew it was time to stop playing Russian Roulette with my life because my life is so much more important than the nicotine poison and so is yours, quitting smoking and remaining quit is most certainly difficult to say the least and that's putting it very mildly but anything in life worth having takes time and effort but wow my friends and fellow Exers once you get over the Hump and into a good place in your quit it's so worth it. If we can put the time into our outer appearance then it's definitely a must to take all of our efforts and put it in our insides because each one of our organs are vital to our health and what we look like on the outside really won't matter at all if we wait too long and end up fighting for our lives because of the cancer sticks let's continue stacking up those precious smoke free days and if you haven't quit yet now is the time while you are still vertical! 

Marilyn 816 DOF 

Good morning Marilyn! Great to read your words in the morning as they are always inspiring. Congrats on your 816 days and clean organs!!! Pops with 137 DOF

Good Morning!

Coffee all around, no prep in sight.


Good morning Marilyn, hope you had a restful night.You are so right about playing russian roulette with our lives. I was just talking to jake yesterday about what could happen to either one of us if we were to continue smoking. Him with his heart. me with my lungs. Or it could be something else....So much damage already done, I won't make it worse by continuing to smoke.

Yet another inspiring post. thank you Marilyn!

Sharon 16 DOF


We all quit EVENTUALLY - don't let it be gasping for breath.  Quit now - right, Marilyn?



Good Morning, Marilyn! Gosh, I'm up early!

Thanks for your words that will carry me through my day

Have a great Saturday!

Don't Quit on your Quit!


It's so great to have you back with all of us Nancy, your friends and fellow Exers and yes please quit now before you are gasping for breath because smoking literally takes our breath away and breathing is essential to living without it we are six feet under! 


Good morning Sunshine.  I am getting ready for work...I need to take care of my outsides AND my insides this morning...I like that kind of thinking.

Have a wonderful day.


You give such great advice Marilyn! Thanks for all you do here! 

Congrats on 816 days! 

Lots of rain here - although I live over 200 miles from the coast, we are feeling the effects of hurricane Matthew. 

Take care! 


Tomorrow's my first day


viv_kincaid_vk1, I'm just reading your comment to my blog now I hope you're still here and this evening you'll be able to say Yay for Day WON with many more to come, we're here to help you in any way we can......

About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....