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Share your quitting journey

Morning All

1 13 28

Smoked my last cigarette at 8:00 last night.  Have to go update my sad past history on my page later.


Welcome back!! 


You got this.  I'm 10 days into being a "EX" Well start this journey together. 


Welcome back, keep going forwards my friend because you are going to succeed in this quit. 


Good morning Courage.  Glad to see you have no given up.  Now all you have to do is not take one puff no matter what, smoking is not an option. You can do it.  We will support you.  Just give us a chance when you think you are going to smoke holla. Have a smoke free day. 


You can do this!


Let's make this your FINAL Day One!

Commit, commit, commit - you will not smoke NO MATTER WHAT!

Hang in there, day by day!  I know you can do this!



What is your plan for the day to stay busy?


Thank you everyone, as always.

Gee Puff, don't quite know.  I could keep running the business that I own, take my mother to the doctor again after being in the ER over the weekend, pay her bills since she can't remember anything anymore, just a couple of things that are all basically triggers.... 


Fortunately, the only ammunition nicotine has is to deceive you into harming yourself, Regardless if Nic pulls that trigger, use the knowledge you have and your determination to quit as your shield.

Can't stop living life, of course; we all have responsibilities.  But we can stop slowly killing ourselves.

Wishing you a busy, distracted, smoke-free day!


Fannie, my dearest! So glad to see you!  I wish you a great day and good strong start to this quit and getting momentum! I understand about all the stress especially with your Mom!!! I've been fortunate in a strange way - having to quit because of my surgery and recovering at friends house where they would break my fingers if I lit up!!! Lol! I've also been taking the Wellbutrin and I think it has helped! I'm a little apprehensive of being back home later this week where I know all the triggers will resurface. But Nov 1st I will have 60 days without a single puff. Holding my hand out to you girlfriend. Let's git 'er done this time!!! Oxoxox


Final quit! Glad you are back! Hang in there! No looking back!

Terrie  112  DOF


Hey Fannie!!!  You knew I would eventually get to writing a comment!  So glad you are here.  First of all, you said something about updating your sad past history.  Leave it behind!  please!!  When I relapsed, that is what kept me smoking and stewing and feeling sorry for myself for many many days.  I couldn't get over my sad past of someone hurting my feelings AND could not leave behind that I had lost my quit.  It took me all this time to figure out I WANT to be a non smoker.  I really WANT to be on this team.  So I just had to pick a day, and do it.  Quit and Leave behind the past.  So don't think about what you did or didn't do.  Just think about what you are Going to do.  I really think we can do this!  Let's continue to step forward!!  


Love you so much, Fannie!

About the Author
Gone but Not Forgotten. RIP - they leave a legacy of their quit journeys behind as road maps for future members, to prevent the pitfalls, provide the tools and show the hope and possibilities for success at overcoming this addiction at any age at any stage. Quit March 16th. 52 years old, smoked 2 packs a day for 40 years, enough said. Day 124, July 18 I smoked a cigarette and continued to smoke (because there is no such thing as just one) until Sunday, November 2, 2014. April 24, 2015 I'm editing the above. Certainly did not quit back in November and I'm 53 now. Boy, time sure flies... There's nothing worse than being a smoker who wants nothing more than to quit. Okay, so now it's over a year, but I will do this starting today, August 17, 2015. Out of the darkness and into the light.... Needed to update this, quit as of September 14, 2015. Anyone contemplating losing their quit, just follow this time line, it's taken me over a year to take back my freedom when I thought it was going to be so easy to take it back before. Don't make that mistake. Wish I had a counter, but as I write this it is September 24, 2015, I'm in the baby stages of my quit. Day one again, September 28, 2015